What to Buy After Christmas to Save Money Next Year

What to Buy After Christmas to Save Money Next Year

What to Buy After Christmas to Save Money Next Year | brokeGIRLrich

I’m sure the day before Christmas, the LAST thing you’re thinking about is what to stock up on starting the day after Christmas, but thinking about some of these things now will save you a lot of money come Christmas 2015. Heck, it can save you a lot of money throughout the year!

Starting December 26th, everything red and green goes on sale (don’t hold me to that exact statement). If you have some storage space, you can really cut down on your holiday spending for next year – these aren’t paltry 5-10% off sales, these are – let’s clear the stores, it’s December 26th!-we have to put up Valentine’s Day crap sales.

I’m talking 50 to 75 to 90% off. Which makes it the perfect time to restock your Christmas supplies for next year. Set aside a corner of a closet and refill it with wrapping paper, bows and tags.

Another thing to keep in mind is that a packet of tissue paper with green sheets and red sheets can be repurposed throughout the year. You may want to keep the cute candy cane prints till next Christmas, but lots of times there are items that go on sale now because the packaging has a holiday theme on it, but the inside of the package can be used all year – who cares that Santa is on the tag telling you those three red gift bags are were $5.99? Pull off the Santa tag and now you have 3 red gift bags for $1.50 – or whatever great sale price they were at.

Along the same lines, you can usually pick up big bundles of tape or even scissors in these kind of clearance sales.

Next, check out the chocolate – to begin with, do you even care that it has a reindeer on it? It’s still chocolate. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, stock up at bargain basement prices and enjoy biting off Rudolph’s head for the next few weeks.

Don’t forget, the next holiday coming up is Valentine’s Day, so scope out anything red. Have to bring in treats to your kid’s school? Pick up a few bags of Christmas Hershey’ kisses on the cheap, put the green ones in your candy bowl and send in the red ones to school in February. Or flip it and reverse it for St. Patrick’s Day. Trust me, the chocolate will hold up for a few months.

Ditch the lame holiday basket and repurpose the contents... or just drink all the wine.

Ditch the lame holiday basket and repurpose the contents… or just drink all the wine.

Check out those holiday gift basket sets too. If you know you have a work or life situation where you wind up picking up a few “generic” holiday gifts each year to give out at parties or work functions, grab them now. They’ll be a fraction of the cost and you can just store them in that closet with the wrapping paper.

Those same holiday baskets can be broken apart and repurposed throughout the year. As long as the packaging on each item within the basket doesn’t have a holiday theme, you can toss the container and use those items as little gifts throughout the year.

If you have a favorite brand of items like body lotions, washes or lip balms check and see if they have a holiday version. Maybe the Nivea lip balms with the silly Santa packaging aren’t usually your bag, but it’s still the same lip balm formula and now you can pick it up for pennies on the dollar.

Prices will start to drop the day after Christmas and continue for about two weeks after the holidays. That being said, if you can ever push your holiday gift exchanges to a few days after Christmas, you can really rack up the saving.

Keep in mind the prices get lower and lower as time passes, but the pickings become slimmer. Happy hunting!

Just a friendly reminder that consumerism isn’t really the reason for the season across almost all holidays celebrated in the winter (I’m not super sure about you Festivus-folk), so I hope however you’ve spent or are spending the holidays that they’re full of family, friends, happy new memories and the comfort of whatever you put your faith in. Happy Holidays!

13 thoughts on “What to Buy After Christmas to Save Money Next Year

    • Yeah, I love the gift bags sales too, since they usually cost a lot more than wrapping paper – they can get pretty cheap over the next few days. I’ve picked up some for .18-.20 each.

      A lot of holiday scented candles go on sale too and I love the smell of peppermint – doesn’t just have to be Christmas for me to want to burn that.

  1. The artificial tree we use we bought years ago after Christmas for 75% off. I also buy tree lights after Christmas for huge discounts when I come across a good deal. I do think a lot of the clothes that they have in stock is marked down more than Black Friday. Although picked through sometimes we find super killer deals and will pick something up.
    LeisureFreak Tommy recently posted…Common Mans Journey to Early RetirementMy Profile

  2. Good ideas! I usually stock up with presents for all-year-round during Christmas and July sales. I have a ‘roaster ‘of friends to whom I buy presents for birthdays and/or Christmas, and when I see something on sale, I buy it and wait for the gifting occasion. I’ve doing this for a few years back and I just recently calculated my total expenses for gifts in 2014 – it was around 130 Euros. Ho-ray!
    Ksenija recently posted…Десет најчешћих заблуда о ХоландијиMy Profile

  3. Great post! I enjoyed shopping today because there are sooo many things on major sale that will be really useful to have next year. I like buying Christmas supplies like wrapping paper at a majorly discounted price each year so I can have the good stuff the next year. I also try to get some generic ones that I can use to wrap presents throughout the year. Double purpose!
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