Budget Friendly Vacations: Do It All Inclusive Style

Budget Friendly Vacation: Do It All Inclusive Style

Budget Friendly Vacation: Do It All Inclusive Style | brokeGIRLrich

Once in a while, the fun of travel is doing all the research and preparation to get the best deals and see the most things, but some vacations are all about relaxing and personally, I don’t find all that planning all that relaxing.

When I’m looking for a vacation where I can just kick back, soak up some sun and take in a different culture, all inclusive vacations are where it’s at.

Some things most all inclusive vacations have in common are fantastic food, fun social activities and a lot of booze. If you’re set on cheap holidays, an all inclusive trip can really help you stay within your budget.

At the top of the vacation, you know you’ve now got your hotel and all your meals covered, so anything else you want to spend above and beyond is completely optional.

What’s all inclusive even mean?

That means that everything is covered with your fee. All food. All drinks (and that’s a big budget buster for me, ahem, most folks). It also often means onsite activities like pools and spas are complimentary as well.

Another common aspect to all inclusive resorts are fun social activities like mixology classes or yoga. Any other fans of Dirty Dancing out there? A lot of times it’s like Kellermans – with live musicians and dance classes and plenty of ways to keep entertained – if lounging by the beach isn’t the only thing you like to do.

While lots of people immediately associate all inclusive vacations with the Caribbean or Bahamas (and for good reason, there are lots of opportunities to soak in the gorgeous Caribbean Sea from those spots), there are also all inclusive destinations in exciting spots around the world.

One of my favorite ports when I worked for a cruise line was Dubrovnik in Croatia. Dubrovnik is a really cool, medieval, walled city called old Town that still oozes character… and delicious food… and adorable shops.

Just off the coast of Dubrovnik are several islands and some of them host hotels and spas that are all inclusive, specifically the island of Kolocep, and allow you access to this fascinating city.

If you’re planning ahead this summer for your winter vacations, time your visit just right and you could be there for Carnival, their five-week celebration that ends in February.

Also, Kolocep itself is a fascinating little spot. Only 165 people live on the island and there are no cars. If you’re looking to really get away, this could be the spot for you.

If you’re not sure where you want to go, you can also get ideas from travel-savings sites. Groupon Coupons has deals from sites like Expedia and Orbitz that can help you find the perfect all-inclusive vacation package.

Don’t confuse a cheap holiday with a cheap experience; all inclusive resorts can really be a great way to see a new area while on a budget. As a matter of fact, I like to think of them as the budgeters buddy – you can add on whatever you please (or whatever your budget will allow), but the base of the vacation is covered.

Any other fans of Croatia out there? Who else has taken an all inclusive vacation before? What was your favorite activity there?


*Also, you might be like, what’s that door got to do with any of this? Well, it could be your door to a new experience. BUT it is also a picture of a door I took in Croatia, because I like pictures of cool doors.

13 thoughts on “Budget Friendly Vacations: Do It All Inclusive Style

  1. I always wished that my family could go to Kellerman’s when I was growing up! I love that movie!! I have never been to Croatia, but I have a few good friends who have gone and are obsessed with it. Next year we are testing out European travel with my son and if it goes over well, we plan to take a biggish trip every other year and I would love for Croatia to be one of the stops.
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    • Yeah, I’ve been trying to think of some ways to vacation on a budget this summer since I don’t have much income coming in and this is likely what I’m going to wind up doing. I love that I can be certain of what the cost will be before going and if I want to spend a little extra to go on an excursion or something, then I can, but if not, it’d still be a good time.

  2. Yeah, our vacations could be budget friendly if we do little research for our favorite places(we love to explore) and find some good deals. We can also plan a vacation with our group of friends which will make the entire trip even more Memorable, trust me. I also want to visit Croatia, heard a lot about its beauty. Maybe one day 🙂

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