Back to School: Should You Return to Education in Adulthood?

There are lots of reasons why you might have left school without the best education. Perhaps you were bullied, or maybe you had a turbulent childhood and dropped out. You might have been battling with illnesses, or have been dealing with family issues such as having to care for an ill parent. Perhaps you just didn’t enjoy school and messed around, and left without taking the exams that you needed. You don’t always need lots of education to do well in life, plenty of people start in careers at the bottom and work their way up, or get a good job through other methods such as starting off volunteering or through apprenticeship programs. However, in many cases your lack of education can hold you back, especially if you want to change career or advance in the job you’re in now. Being educated is never a bad thing, and continuing to learn helps to keep us curious and our brain sharp- so if you’re considering returning to education then it’s almost always worth it. Not only can it help you in your career but it can help you in your personal growth too. Plus, you don’t even need to quit your job or attend a physical college or university as it can all be done in a flexible way online.

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Career and Finance

One of the main reasons you will probably want to return to education is to improve your career prospects. Maybe you want to change career completely, and the only way to get a foot in the door is to gain the right qualification. It might be a case of getting a specific qualification means you don’t have to start from the bottom or even just helps you stand out against other candidates. It could be a case that you want to progress in your current career, but can’t do so without returning back to education first. Work out what qualification you will need for the job you want, for example to become an engineering manager you could do something specific like an online engineering management degree or something more broad like straight engineering. Having relevant qualifications is one of the best ways you can improve your career, and therefore earn more money.


There are plenty of ways that returning to education can help with your personal life. If you attend a college or university in person, it’s a chance to meet new people. It’s also something you’re doing for yourself, and a chance to focus on you. Maybe you have been working a job you hate for years or have been busy raising a family- either way, education could be something that’s just for you and your personal development.


Finally, there’s no doubt that education will make you smarter. It’s not just a case of learning new facts, but it can also help you to think in new ways. It can develop abstract or critical thinking, improve communication and much more. These things can all help you in your personal life as well as your career.

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