12 Posts I Loved in 2019

Coming up on the end of the year and I thought I’d reflect on some posts that I loved that I found in 2019. Which posts really spoke to you? January  Keep Calm and Manage On: The Importance of Being an Even Tempered Stage Manager  This post hit on one of the topics I notice…

My “Accomplishments” List

J. Money over at Budgets Are Sexy wrote this fun list of 12 More #Money Ideas to Try and I really liked the one at the end. One brilliant reader said she keeps an “Accomplishments” list to look back on “whenever [she] feels completely incompetent or like [she’ll] never get anywhere.” Who doesn’t relate to…

Improve Your Career Prospects Right Now!

Seeking the ultimate career path is not simple or straightforward. But there are a lot of factors that can help you to make the most career prospects. You need to make sure you identify the job you want to do, as well as how you can work toward that in the best possible way. Improving…

What to do if an Injury Has Plunged You Into Debt

When you suffer some sort of serious injury, it can leave you sidelined, and in some cases, it might even leave you unable to work and earn a living. That’s when your physical problems can run head-first into your financial situation. It’s easy to start massing debts and feeling subsumed by the whole situation when…

How To Start Blogging For Money

Blogging appears to be becoming an increasingly popular hobby that can make you a nice little income on the side. Some bloggers even manage to make a full time living from it and for those of us with the desire to write, connect and share, it can be a very tempting option. The difficulty can…

5 Things To Consider If Your Business Is Struggling

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay    If your business is struggling and you don’t know what to do next then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Although it may be an overwhelming and stressful experience, you need to ensure you’re as prepared as you can possibly be in a situation like…

10 Holiday Gifts for the Stage Managers in Your Life

10 Holiday Gifts for the Stage Managers in Your Life

**This post contains affiliate links.** Looking for something for your favorite stage manager for the holidays? Well, here are some cool items that won’t break the bank but will likely make their day. NINJA This store is full of awesome shirts, cool pins, fun patches, clever stickers and, my personal favorites, snarky pencils (because, yes,…

SAVVI Financial Review

The is a sponsored post. Please be aware that I have been compensated for this post, but all opinions are my own. How often do I rave about the fact that tracking my net worth has made a major difference in my finances? Well, if it’s been a while, tracking my net worth has made…

What Happens When You Can’t Pay Your Mortgage

No homeowner willingly takes a mortgage agreement when they know they can’t pay. However, mortgage debt is a common situation that takes a lot of homeowners by surprise. Not many can pinpoint the exact moment when they begin to fall behind their mortgage payments. But everybody agrees that there are common causes that can affect…

How to Sell Your Car: 6 Top Tips

Photo by Nordic Overdrive from Pexels Whether you need the extra cash, are moving abroad or are looking to buy a new car, it might be time to sell your vehicle. A daunting time when you will have to set a price, advertise it and draw in potential buyers, it’s important that you’re prepared. But…

Mel Tries to Buy a House: Part I

This week I learned I know nothing about buying houses. If you’re a regular reader, you know I’ve been waffling on the buy a house front for a few months now. I’ve even looked at a few. I thought I found the perfect, weird little fixer upper with a fireplace and a porch and a…

Today’s Rambling on Money & Adulting

Guys, I have been struggling to find some topics to write about lately. I usually write a lot about whatever is going on in my life money-wise, but the weird and awesome thing lately is that my money stuff is all going fine. I think it’s fairly optimized. And, although it’s been a multiple year…

How to Pick a Decent Bank

How to Pick a Decent Bank

Many moons ago, at my college orientation, I opened my first bank account with First Union bank. I made this decision after much careful research. J/K. They had a booth at orientation and an ATM on campus. Done and done. Times were simpler at the turn of the millennia. These days there are so many…

Self-Employed Stage Management & Deductions

*This post may contain affiliate links.* This is the first year that I’ve had to file quarterly taxes. To deal with that headache, I decided to just subscribe to Quick Books self-employed and I now have a fun little game I like to play. I enter in expenses and watch the amount of taxes I…

The Management Menaces Wasting Your Time

Aiming for greater productivity is always a noble goal, but many in leader positions go the wrong way about it. You may be so used to wearing enough different hats that you think it’s natural to keep piling more work on, but that’s an easy way to lead to burnout. The better solution is, even…