Save Money with a Defensive Driving Course

Save Money with a Defensive Driving Course

Hello friends, I have a recently found a money saving opportunity you can look into if you find you have a lot of time on your hands at the moment. I emailed my car insurance company this week (NJ Manufacturers, pretty much the best insurance in the world – I am totally biased, I’ve always…

Calling All Those With White Privilege

Calling All Those With White Privilege

Hi. That includes me. I haven’t said a lot on what’s been happening in the world, but I have been thinking a lot. And reading. And donating. Many, many things have stuck with me, but the one that spurred me to finally write down some of my thoughts was this post by J.D. Roth, who…

A Day in the Life: What Does a Podiatrist Do?

You’ve been feeling a lot of pain throughout your entire foot recently. You’re not sure what’s wrong but there is one person who might know. A Podiatrist. A podiatrist specializes in all things foot care. Becoming one takes about as much time and energy as it does to pursue any other job in the medical…

Three Things in My Stage Management Toolkit

Three Things in My Stage Management Toolkit

Most of the time when we talk about a stage management toolkit, we’re talking about a literal Mary Poppins-eqsue box of stuff you use to solve problems in rehearsals and performances. I’ve talked about this before in terms of personal finance. In my personal finance toolkit, I have things like budget worksheets and net worth…

Accountability: May 2020

Profile I am thirty five years old and I am a Visiting Instructor of Theatre Arts/Production Management at a state university, where I make $26,418.51 for the semester. I’m pretty sure I have spent about 480 hours on Zoom this month. OMG. Spending & Saving So life’s still pretty weird, right? We’ve entered Stage 1…

How to Build Your Stage Managing Network

How to Build Your Stage Managing Network

Networking feels like such a dirty word to me (though it is not). The thing that helped me with it the most was a mindset change. I used to go into networking events thinking what can this do for me. Then I can across a wildly useful tip – think of networking as what you…

The Fastest Growing Freelancing Fields To Look Into

If you’re looking to start making money on your own, then you need to start developing a good idea of what your freelancing career is actually going to look like. You can start by looking at which skills you already have and how you can apply them to start earning. But it’s also worth looking…

The Soulful Art of Persuasion REVIEW

The Soulful Art of Persuasion REVIEW

My quest to stay busy and productive during quarantine has led me to a habit I wanted to get better at for some time – I’ve been reading at least a chapter a day of a book. Sometimes it’s for fun, sometimes it’s about money, but some of them are from my list of books…

Top 7 Reasons You Should Study To Become A Nurse

Clearly, there are so many different career paths to go down. If you’re thinking about pursuing higher education and going to university, you’ll soon see the sheer wealth of subjects to choose from. It’s hard to single one out for yourself, so the best approach is to do some research. Consider what careers or areas…

Let’s Talk About Net Worth Worksheets

Let’s Talk About Net Worth Worksheets

So over the last few weeks, we looked at budgets and the some tips behind spending less and earning more. I think of budgets as sort of a living thing that you have to experiment with a bit to find a system that really works for you. I’ll level with you. I don’t love budgets.…

Finding Success When Trading In Crypto

In a time of economic uncertainty, where it seems like the wheels of commerce have ground to a stop, many of us are worried about how we’re going to adapt financially. Over the past few weeks and months, we’ve all had to learn the importance of staying on or under budget, of keeping an open…

Misadventures in Side Hustling

Misadventures in Side Hustling

With my university contract coming to a close at the end of June, I’ve had an eye out for any side hustles that can prop up my income until the theaters start to reopen. I recently received an email through the full school distribution email about a $400 a week part time gig through LDS…

The 10 Year Challenge

There is a fun little challenge going around the personal finance community called the 10 year challenge, where you look at where you were financially 10 years ago and compare it to where you are now – surely it’s a play off all those folks posting pictures of themselves 10 years ago, but a little…

How To Manage Your Money During A Pandemic To Recover ASAP

The current pandemic of Covid-19 has upturned millions of lives. Some people have lost their lives and those that haven’t gotten ill have been affected. Financially, there has never been a moment like this in the history of the US. It is proving to be even worse than the Great Depression. Is it hopeless, then,…

Earning More

Earning More

We took a bit of a hiatus on this topic here, but we are back with the other half of the budgeting formula. Spend less than you earn. If you want a quick primer on how to make a budget, check out this post from a few weeks ago. If you’re interested in kick starting…

Quarantine Burnout

Quarantine Burnout

I’ve been thinking a little about the burnout even in this ridiculous coronavirus era where there actually seems to be quite a lot of time. Have you seen that meme about for some people it’s a sprinkle, some it’s a storm, and some are drowning? I am firmly on the sprinkle bus. I have a…

My Favorite Stats from the 2019 Stage Manager Survey

Ya’ll, lets look at the 2019 Stage Manager Survey today. “The what?” you might say. Every couple of years, David J. McGraw and whatever university he’s working at (I believe it’s currently Elon), conduct a fairly extensive survey of stage managers polling everything from education level, frequency of wearing show blacks, types of training, how…

Accountability: April 2020

Profile I am thirty five years old and I am a Visiting Instructor of Theatre Arts/Production Management at a state university, where I make $26,418.51 for the semester. Spending & Saving Life is still weird. Yet here we are. My spending focused a lot on random things to stay busy – some books, some sheet…

Are No Credit Check Loans Safe?

Being in any type of financial peril where you need to consider a loan happens to a majority of people. There is a chance that you have made some poor decisions that have ruined your credit score for the foreseeable future or didn’t wisely invest your money. You might be taking a look at bad credit…

Average Auto Loan Rates for April

Buying a car is a big deal. Aside from purchasing your first home, buying a car is one of the biggest purchases you may ever make. Considering how long you will be using the car it is decision that you do not want to take lightly. Choosing where to get your auto loan is a…

What to Do With All This Money? Yes, the world may have come to an abrupt standstill, and there is an unprecedented number of people currently out of work across the US and the world. If you are one of the lucky ones, however, and you are still able to work, you may be astonished at the numbers in your bank…