Career Ideas That Give Something Back

Are you searching for a more rewarding career that allows you to give something back? Then you’re in the right place! As this guide contains a variety of innovative ideas that you can utilise to gain a new job that helps you to feel proud as punch. So, if you’re interested in finding out more,…

Accountability: April 2022

Profile I am thirty seven years old and I’m a freelance stage manager and digital event producer. I make $55/hour at the digital production company I work with. I also work a variety of small side hustles. I am also a full time student working on a PhD in Drama. Spending & Saving So, I’ve…

5 Vehicle Expenses Every Young Woman Should Know About

When you’re young and just starting out, it’s essential to be smart about your money. This includes being aware of the various expenses you’ll incur when owning a vehicle. There are many different factors to consider, from regular maintenance to unexpected repairs. This blog post will discuss five key vehicle expenses that every young woman…

3 Simple Ways To Sell Your Home Faster and For More Money

Photo from Pexels When it comes to selling your home, there’s no shortage of advice and tips out there. From staging it to pricing it, there are plenty of things you can do to get the best price and fastest sale for your home. However, that doesn’t mean you have to do them all, as…

Where Is The Most Secure Place To Invest My Money Right Now?

Pexels. CCO Licensed. The last few years have been pretty chaotic and this has affected many forms of investment. While there are still ways to invest your money successfully, choosing the right investment strategy can be challenging. Just how do you know your money will be secure? This post looks at some of the popular…

iPad Apps for Stage Managers

iPad Apps for Stage Managers

I was a very slow adopter of iPad technology. A few years ago I worked on a show where my ASM was all about. She did all her notes on hers, regularly accessed documents, and would call the show (which is still a pretty hard no for me, but to each their own on that…

Going To Run A Side Hustle Alongside Your Job

Pixabay CC0 License With living costs growing at a rapid speed, more and more people now find that their primary source of income won’t suffice. Thankfully, running a side hustle is more accessible than ever before. If you do plan to take this route, though, it’s vital that you take the right steps to give…

Quick Tips That Make You Better At Your Job

Every professional craves recognition at work. Did you know that one of the top reasons quoted for looking for a new job is the lack of professional recognition? Employees who feel taken for granted or not valued by the business prefer to move to a new company.  Yet, finding a new job is no easy…

Lifestyle Changes to Strengthen Your Finances

Image Credit When it comes to strengthening your finances, you don’t always have to earn more; instead, you can optimize your life so that you save more without sacrificing any of your lifestyle standards. Whether it’s reducing your energy usage or choosing a better insurance plan. Energy Savings  Chances are, you pay your energy bill…

4 Tips for First Time Home Buyers in Canada

Buying a house can be a scary prospect, especially if you’re the first person in your family to purchase a home. But, with some planning and research, you can get started on the right foot and successfully find your first home. The good news is that as a first-time buyer, you have many of the…

4.) I will build up a $10,000 emergency fund.

My first thought upon looking at this point on the Money Manifesto is that I need to update it because my current short term goal is $20,000 and my still long term goal is a full year of expenses, which is probably around $35,000. Happily though, I have managed to hit that $10,000 goal. A…

Quick Tips that will help you to Find a New Job

If you know that you need to find a new job, then you will probably feel a great deal of pressure. That being said, there are things that you can do to make it easier on yourself. If you want to find out more, then take a look below. Source: Pexels (CC0 License) Be Clear…

Everything You Need to Know About Wills

The idea of death and what’s on the other side isn’t something to think of likely, in fact, it’s often a topic that gets avoided. It’s honestly understandable, having to talk about the end and approach it is something pretty scary. But, it has to be done, especially if you own property, need to manage…

Ensuring You Pay The Right Salaries To Your Employees

There’s no question that ensuring your employees are paid fairly is essential for maintaining a productive, positive work environment. However, it can be challenging to determine what the proper salary range should be for your team members. The following blog will outline some tips for ensuring you pay your employees the correct salaries based on…

The Boring Middle

A few weeks ago, I read a really great post about how lousy a lot of personal finance blogs are and how we all follow pretty much the same arc of get interested in personal finance, write a bunch of posts as we try to sort out our own thoughts about money, learn about side…

How to be More Frugal When Times Are Tough

Right now, times are tough for a lot of people with the prices of essential items and resources going up all the time. That’s why now might be a good time to think about how you’re spending your money and how you might be a little more frugal with it going forward. With that in…

4 Benefits of Investing in Real Estate

Investment is generally considered to be one of the best ways to generate a passive income. However, beginner investors are often unsure about where to start. After all, investment comes along with the risk of losing your money. One of the best ways to reduce the risk is to diversify your portfolio, investing in several…

The 5 Biggest Investment Mistakes Beginners Always Make

Pexels – CC0 License On the surface, investing seems like an amazing opportunity for those who have already done the legwork. Because we’re all looking to make our money work better for us in this world, we can find ourselves clutching at straws as far as investments are concerned. So many of us are desperate…

Your Career Is About You And Nobody Else

You are the one who has to work your job. You are the one who has to put in the effort, and the hours, so why do other people feel the need to have a say in what you are doing? Do your parents make you feel bad about your job? Perhaps the other people…

Steps To Minimize Investment Risks For Beginners

Investing carries risks, but some decisions are much riskier than others. It is possible to take steps to minimize risks and maximize the chances of success. If you’re a beginner looking to take the plunge, this guide is packed with helpful advice.  Image by Outline your key objectives There are all kinds of investors…

Accountability: March 2022

Profile I am thirty seven years old and I’m a freelance stage manager and digital event producer. I make $55/hour at the digital production company I work with. I also work a variety of small side hustles. I am also a full time student working on a PhD in Drama. I have also been staying…

How To Pick The Right Health Insurance Plan For Your Family

Although it is impossible to plan for certain situations like illness, preparing for its associated financial liabilities can be relatively easy. Insurance is no longer a luxury due to the significant increase in healthcare costs. However, recent studies suggest that more than 28 million people do not have health insurance. Picking the right plan can…