Accountability: October 2018


I am thirty four years old and the Performance Director at Big Apple Circus. I make $70,000 a year and live in a show provided RV. I also have health insurance through this job that’s deducted straight from my paycheck, so I don’t really count it in my bills since it’s never money I see anyway (it’s roughly $200/month).

Accountability: October 2018 | brokeGIRLrich

Accountability: October 2018 | brokeGIRLrich

Saving & Spending

What a month, guys. What a month.

I’ve been saving a lot this month because it has become clear our show is under new general management and these new managers are fairly incompetent and the production one in particular is wildly, wildly rude.

So after spending all of last year working my butt off to help my build my circus, the time is coming for me to leave – since the investors have given away my circus to some idiots and it’s not my circus anymore.

This whole month has just been a pile of one crappy emotion after another as I’ve watched my closest friends here get fired or quit. A few of us went to the original investors to voice our concerns last week and it did not go well.

So the new plan is to be home for Christmas. I’ve been trying to turbocharge some of my savings so I have enough money to cover a semester of tuition at the County College by my folks, some fun money and hopefully enough to max out most of Roth IRA on January 1st. Tuition is pretty much done, but the next 2-3 paychecks and if I ever get reimbursed for the last month’s work expenses will hopefully pad that all out to achieve those goals.

At the same time though, I’m exhausted, depressed and have also caught a cold – so there’s been a lot of Seamless in my life.

My expenses this month:

  • Food – $785.88
  • Travel (Gas, NJ Transit, MTA) – $95.11
  • Lifelock – $9.99
  • brokeGIRLrich – $2.99
  • Clothes – $99.80
  • Work Related – $1672.48
  • Shipping – $14.86
  • RV – $249.26
  • Gifts – $35.60

Total Spending in October: $2,962.98


My income this month was from performance directing at Big Apple (and some cherry pie RV driving), a work reimbursement, and brokeGIRLrich.

  • Stage Managing – $3,025.34
  • brokeGIRLrich – $754.51
  • Work Reimbursement – $2,200.00

Income This Month: $5,979.85

Net Worth: October 2018

Net Worth: October 2018

Most Popular Post of the Month: Doin’It By the Decade: The Wealthy Barber Review

My Favorite Post to Write This Month: My New Favorite Thing to Buy Is…


  • Max out my IRA. – Done
  • Max out my 401k. – On track to max out by end of year.
  • Buy $5,000 in stock. – Done
  • Contribute $3,000 to my New Car Fund – Done
  • Contribute $5,000 to my Down Payment Fund.– Done
  • Go on a family vacation. – Brigantine Beach 2018.
  • Go on a best friend vacation. – Iceland 2018
  • Develop 2 new resume skills. OSHA 30 Training done. I’m counting starting an accounting degree as skill 2.
  • Max out my Health Savings Account for the year.

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