I am thirty eight years old and I’m a digital event producer and very occasional freelance stage manager. I make $55/hour at the digital production company I work with. I work a variety of small side hustles and am a full time student working on a PhD in Drama.
Spending & Saving
So things have still been pretty lousy with work bookings but I’m starting to accept this is just what it’s going to be for a while with the recession. Many of my digital event producing colleagues have expressed the same sentiment.
Despite that, my income this month was fine and my boyfriend paid me back from several of the Mexico trip expenses. I also received a substantial tax refund, which is really just my own money coming back to me, but still exciting. It allowed me to cross off one of my financial goals for this year. 2023-24 tuition is sorted.
We are mostly finished with Mexico trip expenses. The last little bit is a night at a hotel by the airport since we’re leaving so early in the morning.
Utilities were also really high because the water bill gets paid once a year and it arrived this month. Entertainment is also high because we are going to two other weddings this summer in Wales and Ireland and that is where I lumped the costs for those flights and accommodations.
Gifts was also really high. Two birthday gifts, a wedding gift, and a few thank you gifts for things added up.
I am also thinking it’s time to look into an Oyster card. The fares all went up this month and apparently I’m now spending an extra £25 or so a month – and I was even away for one weekend this month.
Earlier this month my boyfriend and I went to Norwich for the weekend to see a play I needed to see for school. It was an excellent performance. Norwich isn’t all that interesting. We did go on a cool tour of one of their underground streets and spent the better part of the one of the afternoons in a nice game café but overall, unless you have a reason to go, I’d probably skip Norwich.
Other than that, it was just a lot of playing Jaws of the Lion and watching TV this month.
Fingers crossed bookings pick up for work next month.
Here is the expense breakdown for the month:
- Mexico – $909.55
- Utilities – $596.92
- Food – $517.89
- Entertainment – $417.71
- Gifts – $336.30
- Transit – $175.85
- Blog – $160.21
- Apartment – $114.87
- Health – $82.60
- Gym – $46.91
- Charity – $34.57
- Clothes – $25.00
Total Spending in March: $3,418.38
This month’s income:
- Tax Refund – $10,182.00
- Digital Event Producing – $2,131.25
- Ushering – $1,145.64
- brokeGIRLrich – $793.58
- Mexico Repayment – $751.81
- Murder Mysteries – $61.72
Income This Month: $15,066.00

Net Worth: March 2023
These are my goals for 2023.
- Save up $10,000 for school.
- Save up £5100 for school. Up to £2400 this month.
- Max out Roth IRA ($6500).$1000 contributed so far.
- Max out HSA ($3850).
- Buy the pretty lamp.
- Save $2000 for vacation with BFF over the summer.
- Stage manage a show.