Accountability: June 2018


I am thirty three years old and the Performance Director at Big Apple Circus. I make $70,000 a year and live in a show provided RV. I also have health insurance through this job that’s deducted straight from my paycheck, so I don’t really count it in my bills since it’s never money I see anyway (it’s roughly $150/month).


Saving & Spending

What’s that phrase? The days are long but the years are short? It definitely felt like that this month. It flew by overall but the days felt pretty long. We finished up our tour with BAC, loaded out from Philadelphia and put everything into storage for six weeks off.

I’m pretty excited for the next six weeks. I’m going to the beach with my family for a week. I’m going to Iceland with my best friends for almost a week. I might get to catch up with another best friend for a few days. I’m going to Sesame Place for the day with a friend who lives in Australia that I never really get to see. Lots of good stuff, and not too many worries about how to budget for it.

I also have to work from home a bunch, but the freedom to work on some of those projects from my parent’s deck with occasional breaks to go float in the pool… yeah, I’m pretty excited.

Two of my higher categories are clothes and Iceland spending. The Iceland one should recoup a little once the other three friends pay me their portions of that. I also ordered a new bathing suit from ModCloth, but I ordered like 8 of them to try on. I only plan to keep the one, so there will be a refund on that line next month too.

  • Food – $425.36
  • Transportation – $55.71
  • Gifts – $102.34
  • Lifelock – $9.99
  • Toiletries – $29.83
  • brokeGIRLrich – $2.99
  • Clothes – $534.93
  • Entertainment – $112.24
  • Work Related – $67.94
  • Iceland – $1190.21
  • Travel Rewards – $-100.00
  • Loan – $172.75

Total Spending in April: $2,604.29


My income this month was from performance directing at Big Apple and brokeGIRLrich. I also got a reimbursement at work, but haven’t had time to sort through it or deposit it, so I’ll account for it next month.

  • Stage Managing – $4,434.00
  • brokeGIRLrich – $961.08

Income This Month: $5,395.08

Net Worth: June 2018

Net Worth: June 2018

Most Popular Post of the Month: 114 Side Hustles: Ways to Make More Money

My Favorite Post to Write This Month: How 10 Years of Stage Managing Started


  • Max out my IRA. – Done
  • Max out my 401k. – On track to max out by end of year.
  • Buy $5,000 in stock.Done
  • Contribute $3,000 to my New Car FundDone
  • Contribute $5,000 to my Down Payment Fund. – $1,500 contributed. $3,500 to go.
  • Go on a family vacation. – In the works, Brigantine Beach 2018.
  • Go on a best friend vacation. – In the works, Iceland July 2018.
  • Develop 2 new resume skills.
  • Max out my Health Savings Account for the year. – $1000 contributed so far.

2 thoughts on “Accountability: June 2018

  1. I like the way you do this accountability every month! I’ve read all of them and not only am I really impressed with how far you’ve come (Congrats!), I am inspired to start doing it myself, including goals. Thanks Mel 🙂
    Enjoy your 6 weeks! Looking forward to reading about Iceland!

    • Thanks! I love them sharing, but they’re definitely a pretty selfish post ;o) I’m pretty sure that starting to track my net worth and setting clear goals is how I’ve gotten so far in 5 years!

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