Accountability: February 2018


I am thirty three years old and the Performance Director at Big Apple Circus. I make $70,000 a year and live in a show provided RV. I also have health insurance through this job that’s deducted straight from my paycheck, so I don’t really count it in my bills since it’s never money I see anyway (it’s roughly $180/month).

Alpharetta, GA: Home of So Many Donuts

Alpharetta, GA: Home of So Many Donuts

Saving & Spending

This month was spent out in Georgia. I gave traveling without my car a shot. I am not a fan.

Our show was in a muddy lot in the middle of nowhere, so not having a car was kind of a pain. I rented one twice – once for a day when a friend was out here working so we could go explore Atlanta together and another for the three day stretch so I could visit some family and run errands.

At less than $150, it was probably way cheaper to just rent the cars than to drive mine down here from Georgia. I miss the freedom though, so there’s a good chance I’m going to grab my car when we head to D.C. next week.

Turns out there are an awful lot of donut shops in Alpharetta and I tried to eat at as many as possible.

I spent a lot on baby shower gifts because an awful of people in my life are knocked up right now. There’s definitely something in the water at the circus.

I also finally splurged and bought a GoPro. I’ve been thinking about buying one for work for like three years. So far I’m pretty happy with it.

I also finally got reimbursed at work. About time. Especially considering a big chunk of those work related expenses this month are reimbursable too (though not that GoPro).

On that happy note, this month’s spending:

  • Food – $331.30
  • Travel – $137.21
  • Gifts – $156.49
  • Lifelock – $9.99
  • Taxes – $152.61
  • brokeGIRLrich – $2.99
  • Clothes – $86.10
  • Toiletries – $52.40
  • Entertainment – $109.04
  • Work Related – $1661.98

Total Spending in February: $2,700.11


My income this month was from performance directing at Big Apple, and brokeGIRLrich. I also got a tax refund and I finally got reimbursed at work.

  • Stage Managing – $2,980.62
  • Work Reimbursement – $3,000.00
  • Taxes – $2,129.00
  • brokeGIRLrich – $1,125.87

Income This Month: $9,235.49

This net worth statement is also missing some 401(k) money. My Feld Entertainment account has disappeared, so I bet the next time I visit my parents and pick up my mail, there will be a letter there telling me what happened to it.

I’m hoping anyway.

Net Worth: February 2018

Net Worth: February 2018

Most Popular Post of the Month: 114 Side Hustles: Ways to Make More Money

My Favorite Post to Write This Month: Theory of Financial Stability


I set a new personal best for maxing out my IRA thanks to that tax refund! I think I can have the stock goal done by the end of March.

  • Max out my IRA. – Done
  • Max out my 401k. – On track to max out by end of year.
  • Buy $5,000 in stock. – $3,000 to go.
  • Contribute $3,000 to my New Car Fund
  • Contribute $5,000 to my Down Payment Fund.
  • Go on a family vacation.
  • Go on a best friend vacation.
  • Develop 2 new resume skills.

7 thoughts on “Accountability: February 2018

    • Yup, it took a few years to get to that point though – and it’s all through one type of income stream, so if anything goes wrong with it, there goes like all my side income. Still learning about how to diversify the blog income.

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  2. Pingback: 5.) I will max out my IRA every year. - brokeGIRLrich

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