Budget 101: Introduction

Budget 101: Introduction

Budget 101: Introduction

This month we’re going to look at how to set up and stick to a budget. From the mentality you’ll need to develop to actual worksheets to nifty tools to make tracking your budget easier, by the end of the month you should have a clear vision of what your finances look like, how long it will take you to get out of debt and how to start saving for your future.

We’ll revisit net worth statements (although if you’re an eager beaver, you can check out one of my first posts on brokeGIRLrich that covered the topic as well), discuss our financial goals, and develop yearly and monthly budgets.

I’m also doing a new giveaway, so make sure to enter for your chance to win a copy of Judy Lawrence’s The Budget Kit. Kiplinger’s Personal Finance called it “a budgeting workbook that is truly usable.” You’ll get the added bonus of being able to check out Ms. Lawrence’s hair do on the back cover, which appears to be an incredible mullet.

Click here to enter the drawing over at Rafflecopter!

Click here to enter the drawing over at Rafflecopter!

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