9 Ways To Spend Less On Parties Without Sacrificing Fun

When times are tough, you need to put your frugal hat on. Yet tough times should not be synonymous with difficult and dull times. Indeed, there is more than one way to save money on the little and big things without sacrificing your sense of fun. 

Being frugal is all about smart expenses and smart saving tips. For example, you can switch expensive brands for cost-affordable purchases that don’t compromise on quality. Alternatively, you can buy second-hand items rather than buying new ones. 

The bottom line: Saving a few dollars here and there can rapidly make a big difference. But what most people don’t realize is that a frugal lifestyle doesn’t reject fun. Spring is the best season for throwing a garden party with your loved ones. The weather is warm but not too hot. Nature is blooming and looks beautiful. And the longer days instantly boost our mood. So why not celebrate with an improvised garden party? Think you can’t have a party while being frugal? These 9 tips will change your mind. 

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#1. Decide how much food is required

The most difficult part of planning a cost-effective party is defining the need for food. Did you know that most American households drive high food waste? When it comes to party food, it’s easy to get overboard. 

As a rule of thumb, you should plan quantities accordingly. It is helpful to determine the food amount per person. Most experts recommend aiming for 6 ounces of protein (meat or fish), 1 to 1.5 ounces of grains, and 4 ounces of vegetables. You can use this as a guideline to ensure you don’t plan too much food, as it is easy to bring too much to the table. 

#2. Get some spreadsheet magic

You may be hosting the party, but it doesn’t mean you should purchase or prepare everything. You can use a simple spreadsheet template such as https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/dinnerparty to divide tasks between you and your guests. You can also adjust the template to meet your needs. 

Essentially, a shared spreadsheet can keep everyone in the loop. So, you can ask someone to bring the starters and someone else to find the drinks. You can also use the spreadsheet to note dietary requirements and allergies, so nobody is at risk. 

#3. Invites, invites, invites

How do you invite people to your party? Let’s be honest; if you are throwing a garden party, you don’t expect to invite more than a dozen people, including friends and relatives. Do your guests need an official invitation card? The answer is no. 

Keep things light-hearted, fun, and manageable with a Facebook event invite or a Whatsapp group chat. Both methods are free and will give you an overview of who is coming and who isn’t. It also keeps your guests in the know, so they can plan accordingly. 

#4. Plates and cutlery

Frankly, there is nothing wrong with using your plates, knives, and forks if you have enough. But if you are worried about breakage, disposable party cutlery and plating can be a cost-effective solution. 

You don’t need to invest in a new set of plates for the day. A word of warning: Paper cups may not be ideal for drinks as they are not designed to hold beverages for a long time. 

#5. Plan for simple activities

Why not introduce some exciting activities to make the most of the weather? You can surprise your guests with a fun party game, such as a cornhole game. It’s worth investing in a quality set, such as these https://www.cornholeworldwide.com/custom-cornhole-games/, so you can use it for a long time. 

Some of the best-suited games for a garden party are easy to learn on the go and self-contained. But, one thing is for sure, guests will not forget the joy they get out of it!

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#6. Memorable photos

Everybody loves a good party photo. But rather than having an awkward pause each time someone tries to immortalize the scene, you could create a party game designed to take photos. Using smartphones instead of cameras, you can set your own photo zone game. If you are unsure what it is, you can check this video of the photo zone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJyAE2okxlY. Essentially, the photographer picks a zone to place the camera and a keyword. Once the keyword is given, the team only has a few seconds to reach the zone and express the keyword. You can ask everyone to start with their backs facing the camera so they have to turn rather than jump like in the video. Keywords don’t need to be complex; you can use things such as emotions or animals. Laughters guaranteed at no cost at all!

#7. A cozy playlist

You can create a simple playlist, especially if you are a Spotify user. You can use Spotify for free and create party playlists or use existing playlists. Good music immediately sets the mood, ensuring your party will be unforgettable!

#8. Less is more

As tempting as it is to invite plenty of people, your party will be more manageable if you keep your guest number low. The ideal party guest number is between 5 and 8, excluding your own household. Typically, 10 to 15 people is a small and fun party size. If you invite too many guests at once, you may need to struggle with plates, cutlery, and furniture. Besides, portion sizes are likely to be expensive for many guests.

#9. Don’t make alcohol the main drink

How much alcohol should you plan for a party? Whether you are planning a lunch or a dinner, you don’t want your guests to be intoxicated. A common mistake is to buy too much alcohol, which can be costly both in terms of money and health. So, instead, you may want to count 1.5 glasses of wine/beer at the table for adult guests and up to 2 additional glasses of alcohol for all adults who don’t need to drive. Fresh flavored water can keep your guests hydrated and reduce hungover complaints the next day! 

Throwing a garden party is the best way to enjoy the warm weather! Contrary to common beliefs, you don’t need to break the bank to create a fun and cozy atmosphere. Hopefully, these tips can help you manage food, drinks, and entertainment like a pro without going over your frugal budget! 

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