8 Ways To Help You Get a Job That Pays Well


Many people spend plenty of time turning side hustles into a full-time career, but what if you didn’t need to do something to supplement your income? What if the job you had was enough to pay the bills and help you live comfortably? 

It sounds almost utopian in the modern world, especially with the prevalence of almost criminal wage disparity. But, it isn’t impossible. It isn’t something that will be handed to you, though, which is why it’s so important to know how to get a job that pays well. 

Never Stop Searching 

It is easy to feel comfortable in a job, especially if you have spent a long time fruitlessly applying to as many vacancies as you can find. However, there is always something better out there. You don’t need to quit your job after a week because you stumble across something better, but it’s always worth adding it to a list of potential careers. In many cases, you won’t have the experience to get hired in these better-paying jobs right now. Give it six months, a year, or a little longer, though, and you should have developed the skills that could make you a viable candidate. 

Consider Your Specialist Skills 

Everyone has something they are good at, even if it is not as evident to them as it is to others. Recognizing your specialist skills is crucial for finding a better-paying job, as these skills can help narrow down potential employers or options. If you’re good with money and predicting financial trends, you could consider Wealth Advisor Jobs. If you’ve shown a knack for recognizing where a business can save on equipment or operations, freelance consultancy can be immensely profitable, especially if paid by the hour. These skills will prove to employers or clients that you are one of the most important members of your team, and they will be begging to tear you away, and pay you well for your efforts, too.

Make Connections

It’s well understood that networking is one of the most important elements of progression in business. Many will tell you that it is the only thing that matters. If you make connections with the right people (and make a good impression along the way), your name will always be in the back of their minds. While not every opportunity will be right for you, there is sure to be something they believe you are perfect for. With these connections, you dramatically increase your chances of getting paid more

Improve Your Skills and Qualifications

However, while some people can progress because they know the right people, this isn’t true for most. Instead, they need to prove themselves to potential employers, and the best way to do this is by improving their skills and boosting qualifications. The likes of MBAs and similar certificates are often considered a minimum for certain roles, so gaining these will make finding a better-paying job easier. As for skills, you should audit yourself and consider where you can improve. Whether it’s public speaking, communication, or time management, there is always something you need to work on, and showing that you want to work on them will endear you to your current manager and others, 

Welcome More Responsibility

Another thing that will boost your reputation within your office (and perhaps your industry) is taking on greater responsibility. This can-do attitude is often the key to being considered for senior roles, but you need to know how to show your managers you’re ready for more responsibility. Requesting more duties is a good place to benign, but make sure you don’t fall into the trap of doing more for the same amount of money. There will be other companies that will happily pay you to do your same role with pay that isn’t insulting. While you can’t expect more pay at first, don’t ignore this when it is time to negotiate. 

Research Internal Possibilities

Many companies pride themselves on promoting from within. They don’t like to bring in strangers as it can upset the company culture and make other employees feel their chances of progression are futile, which affects motivation and increases turnover. If you enjoy your job but feel you deserve more money, look at internal options. Are any managers leaving soon? Have you plateaued in your current role but feel you could excel in another department? Ask yourself these questions and think about what would benefit you. 

Update Your Resume

If you’ve been in the same job since you left school, you have probably forgotten what your resume looks like. This simple page is a crucial element for getting better pay, so don’t forget to update information. You may want to create another email address if your previous resume included a few too many x’s or a cute nickname you gave yourself. This is also the chance to improve the grammar and layout so it stands out immediately to important recruiters. 

Be Blunt About What You Want

Sometimes, the best way to get more money is to ask for it upfront and with no frills. You do not get it if you do not ask, so don’t be afraid to broach the subject with your manager. Arrange a meeting to discuss your salary and make sure you go into this meeting with confidence. You should also make sure you know your rights and whether you deserve any back-pay for jobs you have done or overtime worked. The more you know about what you are owed and why you deserve more money, the more convincing your argument will be. It may not work, but it could give them pause for thought, especially if they consider you a valuable member of the team. If this is the case, they should reward you for it. 

Getting What You Deserve

If you’ve recently been passed over for a promotion or haven’t gotten a raise in years, it’s time to look for a job that pays what you deserve. You don’t need to make any sudden movements right now, but knowing your options can give you better leverage over your employers when the time comes to renew your contract or evaluate your performance. With these tips, you may be able to get a job that values you yet.

2 thoughts on “8 Ways To Help You Get a Job That Pays Well

  1. Pingback: Want To Save The World? These Jobs Are For You - brokeGIRLrich

  2. Pingback: 4 Ways Your Employer Could Be Failing You - brokeGIRLrich

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