8 Good Reads to Check Out | brokeGIRLrich
Hello again friends. I thought we could kick off this week by sharing some posts I’ve been reading and enjoying lately. So check out this brilliant work from some other writers around the interwebs.
Traveling During a Pandemic: Round 2 on Life of Iris
So I’m very biased here as Iris is an actual, real life friend, but I’ve been loving her blog. If you’re curious at all about the lives of people who live on cruise ships, head on over there and peruse. We met almost a decade ago (mother of pearl) working out on the lovely Oosterdam with Holland America. Her stories lately are fascinating to me because she finally got disembarked after 100 days straight on a bloody ship and she has been traveling a bit both to get home to the States and then over to Scotland where she live with her husband when he was finally able to disembark. Her stories about how COVID is being handled in different countries that she’s getting glimpses of first hand have been fascinating to me.
We Need to Talk About Money on Token Theatre Friends
I love any other arts workers who are also interested in talking about money (and who enjoy Money Diaries on Refinery29). This post points out some of the utter nonsense that is the financial lives of those of who work in theater, especially with how the corporations spend their money (hint, it’s not on the people).
How to Ruin a Good Debt Payoff Story in Seven Easy Steps on Burrito Bowl Diaries
Now, I would take this all a bit tongue in cheek and, of course, mistake number five immediately made me defensive, but I love the funky comics on this site and the advice is right – though, as humans, do we ever all make all the right choices all the time? Probably not. I do have that shiny debt payoff story, but I would also say that if you’re managing to skip even a few of these mistakes, you’re probably doing alright.
The Near Future for the Unemployed (And How They Can Survive Financially) on I Pick Up Pennies
I don’t have much commentary on this post other than it’s very useful. If you’re unemployed or suspect it may be coming soon, this post is full of good information and resources you can use while you try to figure out what to do next.
I Lost My Job and It Might Be the Best Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to Me on Bitches Get Riches
On the flip side, if you want to look at the silver lining of getting fired (cause heaven knows when something ends, we have all the emotions – so why not embrace some of the positive ones too) check out this post. Especially if you didn’t love your career anyway. I’m also always a fan of a good what to do when your profession is your identity discussion too.
How Self-Isolation Taught Me About Happiness on Millennial Revolution
Another silver lining article about life these days. While I go very back and forth on whether or not anything good is happening at all at the moment, when I’m on the positive side of that see-saw, I can relate pretty hard to this article.
How Money Forever Changed Us on More to That
Entirely because I had not seen the word pog in 20 years, much less seen it used as an analogy for money. Complete with drawings that will bring you right back to recess, if you’re in your thirties.
What Makes Some People More Resilient Than Others on The New York Times
Because as some fairly resilient, I often wonder how it happened.
What have you been reading?
Thank you so much for the shoutout! I will definitely check out these other posts and sites. 🙂