5 Ways to Make Life Easier When You’re Working From Home

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It’s hard to avoid anything to do with COVID-19, especially when it’s a topic that’s always in the news or spoken about by your friends, family members, and co-workers. The pandemic is still raging around the world and turning many people’s lives upside-down.

One effect of COVID-19 is that many folks get asked to work from home instead of heading into their usual place of work each day. If that’s something you’ve had to do (and continue to do), you may have found it hard adjusting to your new working environment.

With that in mind, the following tips will help make your working and home life easier until you can return to your usual place of work:

1. Have a Dedicated Workspace

If you’ve got plenty of places in your home where you can conduct your work each day, convert one of them into your permanent workspace. This might be a spare bedroom that you could turn into an office, for example.

You’ll find it easier to separate your home and working lives if you have a specific part of your abode where you do your work. Plus, there is less likelihood that you’ll have interruptions from other family members when you work out of a dedicated room.

2. Ensure That Your Room Temperature Is Perfect

If your working environment is too hot, you’ll struggle to focus on your work and will probably feel like going to sleep. Plus, if where you work is too cold, your mind will almost exclusively turn to thinking of ways to thaw out.

That’s why you should maintain the perfect room temperature for your home office space. If your HVAC system isn’t working well, call a 24 hour AC service contractor for help. Otherwise, consider installing a portable AC machine that can produce warm or cold air.

3. Work Outside on Beautiful Days

Sometimes it can be a real struggle to feel creative if you’re working from home and seldom speak to or see your colleagues. On the days where you feel least creative, consider working outdoors on beautiful, sunny days.

The fresh air and natural environment can inspire you to think more creatively and be more productive in your day.

4. Set a Schedule and Stick To It

Back in the days before COVID-19, you would have undoubtedly needed to be at work for a specific time, and you’d perhaps leave eight hours later. Now that you’re working from home, it can feel like time is meaningless to you.

It’s crucial that you set a daily work schedule and stick to it. For example, be at your desk at 9 am and turn your computer off at 5 pm. When you have a routine, you’ll feel happier about your working days and will spend more time with your family.

5. Take Your Breaks at Specific Times

One final tip to keep in mind is to factor in break times during your daily schedule. For instance, you may want an 11 am morning break and a 3 pm afternoon break. Be strict with your break times, just like you would when you worked from your office.

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