5 Ways Improving Your Health Can Save You Money

What do you get when you take a look at your bank account? It is thought that the average American spends about $4,500 per year on health care. But what if it were possible to save every year by just adjusting your lifestyle? Read on for ways to improve your health and your wallet! With these five tips, you can make small changes to your daily routine and start saving money today.

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Use Your Car Less

It is easy to save money by cutting down on how much you drive. As Americans, we spend a lot of time in our cars. One study found that people who commute more than 45 minutes per day are 40% more likely to have an emergency room visit. This means that if you can work from home or find a job closer to your home, then you’ll save time and money on gas!

Eat A Varied and Balanced diet.

It’s no secret that eating a varied and balanced diet is good for you. But did you know that it might help you save money? How? When you eat healthy foods, you are less likely to be overweight or obese, leading to health problems. These health problems can cause a strain on personal finances as more time is spent at the doctor’s office and more money is spent on medication. In contrast, those who eat a balanced diet are less likely to have many health issues. Plus, healthier foods usually cost less than less healthy foods because they’re often whole foods rather than processed foods.

Stop Smoking

You can save as much as $2.300 a year by kicking this bad habit on the cost of smoking alone.

We all know that smoking isn’t good for our health, but it also has a significant impact financially. Smoking costs the average smoker about $4,500 a year in healthcare costs and lost wages. If you have been considering quitting smoking this year, there could be a lot of savings for you!

Drink More Water

One of the best things you can do for your health is drink more water. When you drink water, you feel fuller faster, which means you eat less and consume fewer calories. A study in the Journal of the American Chemical Society even found that drinking water can help with weight loss! Staying hydrated is vital to good health and wellness, which means it’s critical to saving money on medical costs.

Stay Active

Staying active can significantly impact your health and your bank account. Studies have shown that a person who stays active for two-thirds of the day will be healthier and happier. A recent study showed that these people also had fewer doctor’s visits, reduced hospital visits, and less time in the hospital.

As if this wasn’t enough, being active can save you money! According to a report by McKinsey & Company, as much as $1 trillion could be saved in healthcare costs annually if more people were active. In many cases, these savings come from reduced obesity rates, reducing the risk of certain diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Active lifestyles also mean lower BMI levels which can save money on clothes due to weight fluctuations. Inquire here to find out about taking supplements to support your body when exercising.

3 thoughts on “5 Ways Improving Your Health Can Save You Money

  1. Pingback: How To Enhance Your Health For A Healthier Outlook on Life - brokeGIRLrich

  2. Pingback: 5 Ways Improving Your Health Can Save You Money – Martricks

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