5 Practical Ways to Start Taking Charge of Your Career

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It’s no secret that the world of work is changing. With more and more jobs getting lost to automation, it can be challenging to find a fulfilling career you love. But there are ways you can start taking charge of your career- without waiting for someone else to hand you success on a silver platter. 

Here are five steps that will help you take control of your career and allow you to feel like you’re in the driver’s seat.

Undertake Career Assessment Tests 

The best way to start taking charge of your career is by undertaking some career assessment tests. This will help you figure out what type of work would suit you and your strengths and weaknesses. There are several different types of tests available, and you may want to consider starting with an MBTI Test

The tests will give you an idea of the types of jobs that might fit you and which ones to avoid. It’s important to remember that no test is 100% accurate, but they can be a great starting point for your career planning.

Be Willing to Work for What You Want 

Whenever you want to take control and get ahead in your career, you should first be willing to work for it. There are no shortcuts to success, just hard work, and determination. Remember, nothing worth having comes easy. So if you’re serious about making a change in your career, be prepared to put in the effort.

Set a Routine 

One of the best ways to take charge of your career is to set a routine for yourself. This could mean setting time aside each day or week to work on specific tasks related to your career goals or simply committing to being productive during certain hours of the day. Having a routine will help you stay focused and motivated, and it can also help you track your progress and success.

Get a Mentor if Need Be 

Mentors are a great way to start taking charge of your career. They can give you guidance and advice on how to grow in your field. If you don’t have a mentor, consider finding one. 

There are many resources available, such as online forums or networking events. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to people you admire and ask them to mentor you. You may be surprised at how willing they are to help.

Always Improve Yourself 

Regardless of your career goals, you can always benefit from improving yourself. Of course, you can’t take a week off from work to go back to school and become a doctor overnight. However, there are ways that even the busiest people can improve themselves in their free time. 

Read a book each month related to your chosen field. This will help you stay up-to-date on the latest advancements and give you new ideas for ways to improve yourself professionally.

In addition to reading books, make sure that you’re also attending webinars and conferences related to your field. These events are a great way to learn new things, network with others in your industry, and find potential mentors.

There you have five practical ways to start taking charge of your career. Implementing just one or two of these strategies can make a big difference in your professional life. So get started today and watch your career take off.

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