5 High Paying College Majors for Kids Who Want to Make Money

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With the cost of a degree getting higher every day, often making it impossible for students to pay for it without taking loans, it’s no surprise that undergraduates are looking toward majors that will help them get a return on their education investment. Paying for college doesn’t just mean paying tuition; it also means paying for supplies, transportation or board, and food.

If you’re looking for a way to get your child into a field that will lead to a good job after college, you may want to consider a degree that has a high earning potential. This article lists five high-paying college majors for kids who want to make money.


If you have a strong background in math, have an interest in financial management, and love the attention to detail, then maybe accounting is the major for you. According to US News, accountants typically get to enjoy high salaries, with the median annual wage for accountants being $73,560 in 2020. They also want increased job security since accounting has low career volatility and diverse job opportunities. After all, everyone will need help keeping track of their finances or filing taxes, which are a few ways accountants can help people. So, why not get highly paid to do something you love that other people dislike to the point of paying more for getting it done?

Business Administration

A degree in business administration is a great stepping stone to launching your career. It will prepare you for a wide range of careers in various fields, with jobs focused on financial analysis, human resources, management, market research, and real estate, to name a few. Whatever sector or industry you want to work in, you can find a career with the help of your business management degree. In addition, you will be able to utilize your leadership skills to propel your career and take in a yearly income in the six figures if you are working as a financial manager or a market research analyst. 

Computer Science

If you have the aptitude for coding and can see yourself as someone who designs and creates software systems, then perhaps majoring in computer science could be for you. Computer science is a lively and dynamic field where things constantly change daily. Having a degree in this subject will help you understand theories and emerging technologies in an area that has become an integral part of the world we live in. If you like to have a career where you can be creative and problem-solve to figure out solutions to new challenges daily, a job in computer science might be for you. As technology advances, there is a massive demand for jobs with cushy salaries and tons of benefits in the tech sector. 


If the resurgence of the Covid-19 vaccine has shown us anything, we don’t have enough nurses and healthcare workers. If you love helping people and wish to pursue a career in the healthcare industry, nursing might be for you. Nursing is a great major to pick with a high salary of almost $200,000 annually for nurse anesthetists (CRNA) and is a major with which you can get a job relatively quickly, unlike if you wish to become a doctor or a lawyer. Time is a massive factor for college students when it comes to picking their majors; they have to decide how much time they can spend on their education while considering the enormous cost of tuition yearly or how soon they need to get a career. You can get a job as a nurse as soon as you finish your certification, which can take anywhere from 16 months to four years. 


A degree in politics can help you gain employment in several settings, including government and non-profit organizations. Knowing how the government works can come in handy whether you want to work in local, state, or federal politics. With your degree, you might work for the government, drafting bills, helping the mayor, working for a campaign, to name a few of your careers. Depending on your level of expertise, you could also become a political correspondent or commentator who shows up on cable news to offer essential and valuable insight. A career in politics could help your wealth increase exponentially as your years in the field increase with commenters like Jesse Watters net worth being in the millions. 

The list above is only a tiny sample of the many high-paying college majors. There are many other possibilities, such as law, pharmacy, and engineering. What is most important when picking a major is to make sure that it is something you are passionate about. For example, though accounting provides a high income, if you hate math or working with numbers, it will be hard for you to enjoy your time in school, and at the end of the day, everyone should pick a career that they both excel in and love doing. Whatever you decide to major in, do plenty of research before committing to your decision!

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