5 Business Ideas for Extroverts

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Extroverts are celebrated in society for being out-going, friendly and ready to conquer the world. Studies also show that extroverts earn more than their introverted counterparts. Research from Truity Psychometrics found extroverts dominate the high-end earning potential with average annual salaries hovering in the high $70,000 range. Create your own profitable business that harnesses the strengths of your extroverted personality. Here are five ideas to get started on your journey:


Do you have a gift for talking to all different types of personalities and figuring out their strengths? Building a business as a niche recruiter could be a perfect fit for your skills. To stand out from the competition, focus on building up a reputation in a specific niche, and become the go-to for your industry. Brainstorm your interests and explore a career as a recruiter for ad agencies, social media marketing firms or the travel industry, among others. Getting active on LinkedIn groups and in your business community can also help forge connections to fuel your business, as well as raise awareness for your services.


If you have a passion for products and education, consider a sales position where you’re in control of your revenue potential and schedule. Carefully choose a direct-to-consumer sales business and sell products you already use and love. But are companies like Amway a scam or not? Although not all direct sales companies are created equally, the direct sales model Amway uses helps people earn money based on the products they sell and not people they recruit. You can also niche down in your product sales business. Focus on being an expert in a particular area like beauty, health or wellness to build your business.

Food Cart Owner

Starting a restaurant from scratch can take years of time and investment dollars to get off the ground. But you can simplify the journey and put your extrovert skills to the test by becoming a food cart owner. Scout locations at farmer’s markets, festivals, and in your downtown area and serve up your favorite dishes from your very own truck. From tacos to exotic smoothies or hand-crafted popsicles, there’s a niche to suit any interest. There are even entrepreneurs that serve award-winning, coveted pasta from a simple food cart.

Keynote Speaker

Motivational speakers are a thing of the past, with today’s market emphasizing keynote speakers with powerful messages. Although you can set your goals high like speaking for TedX to grow your audience, you can also look in your own backyard. Connect with your local chamber of commerce, MeetUp Groups or local Rotary Clubs that align with your interests. For example, if you’ve grown a successful Instagram audience or successfully sell products to college kids at festivals, design a speech around how others can do the same. You can speak on everything from how to retain Generation Z in the workplace to how parents can help their kids get into the best colleges by sharing your unique perspective.

Travel Guide

Align your wanderlust goals with career ambitions by blending both as a travel guide. Spend the day talking to people about your favorite areas, lead a hike, organize a pub crawl for visitors or take people around to the best attractions in your city by bike. Check to see if your area requires any special licensing and then enjoy a business with low-overhead where you’re constantly meeting new people. Get started on a platform like Airbnb Experiences and launch your own travel-based business that offers the flexibility and mobility you crave.

Embrace your identity as an extrovert and open up a world of lucrative business possibilities. From sales to travel, you have endless industries to choose from to create the kind of business that aligns with your outgoing personality and lifestyle goals.

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