5 Affordable Businesses You Can Start Today


There are many reasons people want to start businesses. Perhaps you’re looking for a change of pace or change of career. Maybe you want to make some extra money from a business you run in your spare time.

Whatever your reasoning, there are many businesses you can start with little money and few qualifications. Take a look at some of the best of them here.

Customer Service

There are many companies looking for customer service representatives who are available to work all hours of the day. With companies offering 24/7 services and the recent introduction of live chat to many websites, there’s more work available than ever. These roles aren’t always advertised publicly so it’s worth making enquiries even if you can’t see roles available.

Roles that are most often required are those that work late into the evening and early morning which can mean having to adjust your sleeping patterns.


Did you know you can get a pilates certificate online? You can train to be an instructor in your spare time and once you’ve qualified, you can start taking your own classes. You’ll need to present your certificate to each sports venue you use to prove you’re qualified to train others.

The initial cost of your own training is affordable and there aren’t many costs once you’re qualified. It’s an easy and healthy option and you can dictate when you work and for how long.


If you have a flare for writing, there are many options available to you. You could write your own book which costs nothing but it can be difficult to stand out in the crowd and get noticed to the point where a publisher becomes interested. If you speak a second language, translation is always an option and can pay well.

Businesses are often looking for writers to write their product descriptions, website content, and blogs. The more experience you have, the more lucrative writing can become.

At Home Business

Perhaps you’re skilled at a particular craft, like knitting or jewellery making. Every talent you have can be sold so it’s worth thinking about what you’re good at. For instance, starting your own bakery at home doesn’t cost much.

As soon as word spreads, you may be asked to make birthday cakes, cupcakes, pastries and more. The more you earn, the more you can invest back into your business.

Social Media Management

Social media is a must have for businesses these days but that doesn’t mean every business owner has the time to manage profiles. If you’re experienced with social media, your skills could be valuable to business owners. It could involve scheduling posts, answering queries, and generally maintaining social media pages.

You’ll need to be technologically minded and have excellent communication skills. The biggest bonus of this job is it can be done entirely on your phone.

If you’ve found this article helpful, take a look at the others.

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