4 Ways You Can Look After Your Employees

As a business owner and boss you need to be able to make your employees feel safe, secure and appreciated. If you have animosity towards your employees they will not want to come to work. This will increase your employee churn due to people leaving the environment to work elsewhere. Individuals leaving will end up costing you a lot of money as you will need to interview new people each time. 

Chuck Zsebik believes that to be the best boss you have to show you care about your employees both inside and outside of the office. Being nice, approachable and understanding as a boss will get you respect and save you money. Here are four ways you can look after your employees. 

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Open Space Offices

Letting natureal light into your office space has been shown to boost productivity and employees’ moods. You dont want to be working with grumpy people who don’t particularly want to be around the place working. You don’t want to force your employees to work in cramped conditions either so as well as natural light you need to ensure there is plenty of room for people to walk around comfortably. 

As well as keeping the space open and airy, it is vital to keep the office clean. Offices tend to have a lot of bodies in them at one time, this creates problems with dust and other allergens entering the office space. Be sure to hire a commercial cleaner to come in at the end of each day for a thorough clean of all floors and work surfaces to rid the space of the allergens that could affect your employees health and wellbeing.

Provide a break room

It is important for mental health and productivity to be able to take regular breaks from work. By providing a break room your employees can chill out away from their desks to unwind and regulate themselves better than sitting at their desk having breaks. Break rooms can be positive for social wellbeing as people can have a chat over a quick cup of tea or coffee before getting back to work. 

Providing tea, coffee, juice and biscuits in the break room will make your employees feel appreciated and rewarded. 

Ergonomic furniture 

Providing comfortable ergonomic furniture can be hugely beneficial to your employees. Ergonomic chairs prevent back ache and back problems from sitting for long periods of time. Specialty ergonomic keyboard and mouse ensure your employees wrists are always in the correct anatomical position to stop the effects of repetitive strain injury setting in. RSI can cause bad pain in the wrists and forearms due to continually moving the wrists around in unnatural positions.

If your employees do suffer from RSI then they may miss time at work due to not being able to use their hands or wrists. This in turn brings efficiency of your business down as you are missing vital members of the team. 

Be approachable 

Finally, nobody wants to have a devil boss, a devil boss is someone who just bosses everyone around and doesn’t really care for their employees. If there is a problem in the workplace your employees need to be able to come to you and discuss any difficulties they may be having. They also need to feel reassured that you will handle these issues effectively in a timely manner. For example someone may come to you with an issue of harassment or bullying, you need to have policy and procedures in place to deal with this.

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