4 Ways To Fill Your Time When You’re Single


You may for any number of reasons find yourself single and having more alone time on your hands at some point in your life. It doesn’t have to be viewed as a negative situation or turn of events. Instead, consider it a chance to find yourself and do things you enjoy.

If you’re looking for ways to fill your days and what you can be doing to stay happy on your own then you’re in the right place to learn more. Below are four ways for how to fill your time when you’re single so that you can regain your footing and feel at ease and also excited about your life and future. 

1. Indulge in Self-Care & Self-Reflection

One way to fill your time when you’re single is to indulge in self-care and self-evaluation or reflection. You may not have had the chance to put more energy into taking good care of yourself previously. Let today be the day you start to put yourself first again and set new goals for your health and wellbeing. For example, you may want to consider hitting the gym and getting into better shape while you have some free time. You’ll feel great and will gain a boost in your confidence too. 

2. Start Dating & Having Some Fun

When you’re ready and if you want to meet someone then start dating again. Have some fun by meeting new people and putting yourself out there. Stay open-minded and try not to force any type of connection but see what unfolds. Should you find yourself pregnant or in a sticky situation, then you can always turn to the resources at Embrace Grace for help and guidance. 

3. Get More Involved at Work

Become more of a career person if you are single and want to be productive. Get more involved at work and take on new challenges and more responsibility. You may discover skills and talents you didn’t know you had in the process. It’s also a chance to get promoted and earn more money so you can make a living for yourself and live more comfortably. You’ll have the time and it won’t be as big of a deal if you have to stay late at the office here and there. Make sure that you find ways to reduce and manage your stress and get a good night’s sleep so you stay feeling motivated and energized. 

4. Reconnect with Old Friends

Another way to fill your time when you’re single is to reconnect with old friends, family, or coworkers. Reach out and fill them in on your new lifestyle and situation and see what they are up to as well. Engage in conversation and have some fun while you get to know one another again. Open up and be vulnerable so that you can exchange ideas and insights and be there for one another going forward. It’ll be nice to have people you trust that you can call up and talk to about issues or dilemmas in your life. It’s also a chance to start rebuilding and formulating a social circle for yourself.

One thought on “4 Ways To Fill Your Time When You’re Single

  1. Other good ways to spend your time when you’re single might be:

    1. Read for self-improvement or skill development.

    2. Network and build important connections that will help you advance professionally

    3. Exercise

    4. Investing – spend your time learning to make money, or improve your investing returns.
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