4 Ways To Deal With Debt

Being in a large amount of debt can be stressful for you and your family. If you’re feeling worried about something, your children will likely pick up on how you’re feeling and become worried themselves (even if they don’t know what it is they are worried about). Plus, you won’t be fully present and engaged with them (or anyone else, including your job) if you are constantly worrying about the money you owe. The good news is that there are several different ways to deal with your debt and get yourself and your family back on track.  

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Don’t Hide Away

It can be tempting to hide away from the problem of debt and try to ignore it, but that is a bad idea. Whether you owe a lot or a little, acknowledging that amount and looking for ways to sensibly pay it back and deal with the issue is always a better thing to do than pretending there is no debt. If you do this, you will find that the initial problem just gets bigger when it doesn’t need to. Remember, debt is not necessarily a bad thing, but if you don’t handle it properly, it can become a problem. Knowing what you owe and having a plan to pay it back will make everything a lot easier. 

The best way to begin is to look at your bank statement and see what you are paying out and why. Once you know this, you can work out how much you owe each debtor, which means you can write a list detailing these amounts and the interest you’re paying on each one. This allows you to prioritize your debts, paying off the ones with the highest interest first, even if they have the smallest amounts owing.  

Make A Budget 

If you are in difficulties with your debts, then you’ll need to look at how much you can realistically pay back each month on each loan or card. Speak to the companies behind the amounts and suggest the amounts to them. If they disagree, you will need to negotiate, but for a lot of the time, the companies will say yes – they would rather get their money back slowly than not get it back at all. 


If you have many different loans and credit cards and keeping track of them all is becoming a difficult job, so that you sometimes miss a payment, it’s better to consolidate them all into one new loan. Add up everything you owe and apply for a loan for that amount; if you want to look at the different options open to you, then check out Compare Credit so you know you’re getting the best deal. 

When you receive your loan money, you can pay everything off and cut up your cards. You’ll be left with just one payment and, because you’re able to spread the loan out and search around for a reasonable interest rate, you could even be saving money each month, allowing you to enjoy your life without worrying about your debt.  

Ask For Advice 

If you’re struggling or worried that you might not be able to cope financially, then speak to someone about your debts, and you’ll find that the problem is not as bad as you think; there is always something you can do. Speak to friends and family for advice, but if you need some professional help, then get in touch with someone who deals with debt for a living. They will be able to come up with lots of ideas to put you back on track.

2 thoughts on “4 Ways To Deal With Debt

  1. Pingback: Tips & Strategies To Reduce Your Debts - brokeGIRLrich

  2. Pingback: Ideas & Methods To Cut back Your Money owed – Personal Finance Blog

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