3 Ways To Live Beyond Your Means Without Dying In Debt

We all love living in luxury, but it’s often difficult to fit everything we want into a limited living budget. For instance, you might adore the idea of disappearing on holiday every year. But will your finances allow for this option? Or, could be desperate to have a home with a pool. But is that possible when you’re living on what is essentially an average income? Well, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are ways to live well beyond your means if you know how and they won’t push you into debt.

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Go For The Deals

The first step you need to be aware of is spotting deals online and using them to your advantage. There are always going to be a variety of deals throughout the year and there are two main types. The first is going to be of very little use to you and the second could benefit you in greater ways than you can possibly imagine.

The first type of deal is designed to shift stock that aren’t selling as much as the supplier had hoped. You’ll see these on shops like Amazon quite a lot and while they can look great at first, the reality is they’re not saving you that much at all. Although, it can be a good time to purchase something you’ve been putting off buying or that you need.

The second type of deal is designed to build buzz around a brand or business and are particularly common around Black Friday. Pay particular attention to holiday sites because they will have big deals on that can make going away every year a far more affordable choice.

Rent Your Home

You might have read the news articles pushing young buyers to get onto the property market. What they don’t tell you is that the only houses you’re going to be able to afford are offering the absolutely minimum living standards. If you want the pool, the exercise room and the lush designer decor, you’re far better off renting. If you checkout sites like Apartment Guide, you’ll discover that there are great apartments with all the features you want for a monthly cost you can afford. Don’t be browbeaten into buying property when renting may well be your best option.

Remember, if you’re comfortable with living with friends, you’ll find it even easier to afford a rental property that offers luxuries you only ever dreamed of having in your world before.

And renting doesn’t just benefit you when you look for a home. You can also think about renting a higher standard of car than one that you’d be able to buy outright.

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Become A Comp Expert

Finally, we’ll forgive you for thinking that comp means computer. Comp actually stands for competitions and there are countless competitions every year. While if you play one you are unlikely to win, if you find one to play each day of the year, there’s a good chance you will. Pay particular attention to the ones that are more time consuming because fewer people enter these. Before long you could be on a world-class cruise around the world with all your expenses paid for.

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