3 Tips To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed By Your Dreams

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Everyone has dreams that they’d like to achieve in life, even if they believe that those dreams are too far fetched to materialise, and even if the individuals in question never actually end up pursuing those dreams.

Unfortunately, over the course of day-to-day life, many of us find ourselves becoming completely distracted and sidetracked from pursuing our dreams and the things we find most meaningful in life.

Partly, this is due to simple lifestyle factors such as being exhausted and having a lot to deal with. But another big obstacle that stands in the way of many people pursuing their dreams is the simple fact that they feel overwhelmed by those dreams; confident that they won’t be up to the task, or in any case “aren’t ready yet.”

Here are just a few tips that you can try out that can help you to stop feeling overwhelmed by your dreams, so that you can go after them in earnest.

Focus primarily on remaining present and taking each step one at a time

One of the things that is most likely to cause people to feel overwhelmed with regards to their dreams — and for that matter, to just feel overwhelmed in general — is getting overly caught up in theorising, reflecting, imagining, and trying to endlessly plan all the different variables involved in pursuing and achieving a dream.

While this may sound like a good idea on paper, the bottom line is that getting caught in your head in this way is almost bound to throw you into a state of “analysis paralysis” and overwhelm that results in you doing nothing at all. In fact, psychological researchers have found that even something as relatively mundane as offering shoppers too many free samples to try causes a sense of overwhelm and significantly reduces the odds of a purchase.

Instead of preemptively overwhelming yourself in this way with all of the various hypotheticals, focus primarily on remaining present and taking each step one at a time to the best of your ability.

Is there something you could do today that would help to move you closer to your dream? If so, then do it, and see what the next step along the path is.

If you’re trying to run a small business, for example, the “next step” in question may be something like looking into sourcing the food and beverage flexible packaging by Plastic Packaging Technologies, without having to have a perfectly formulated five year plan.

Regularly engage in activities that help to put you in a “resourceful state of mind”

The motivational speaker Tony Robbins writes in his book, “Awaken The Giant Within,” that it’s very important for anyone trying to pursue their dreams to make decisions when in a “resourceful state of mind,” and to try to spend as much time as possible in this kind of state of mind, in general.

So, what is a “resourceful state of mind” in this context? Simply put, it’s a state of mind where you feel empowered, positive and confident, and where you are more likely to be proactive and optimistic.

Ultimately, being proactive and optimistic can go a very long way when it comes to helping to dissolve feelings of overwhelm and to help people to pursue their dreams and to achieve things in general.

Make a point of regularly engaging in activities that help to put you in this state of mind — whether that means repeating affirmations, going for a run, or listening to a particular playlist. Do not underestimate the potential benefits of online gaming as an avenue to fostering an engaging state of mind. Games which engage your intellect and foster problem-solving, such as solitaire, can significantly strengthen mental agility and resilience, providing valuable mental stimulation. Furthermore, online gaming’s social aspect can help build communication skills while creating a sense of community and belonging for players around the globe. This inclusive environment acts as both a virtual escape and an opportunity to engage in dynamic, interactive spaces that foster positivity and build confidence. From hearts and puzzles to strategy and simulation games, there’s sure to be one that meets your preferences and mindset.

Fall in love with the process and focus less on the end goal itself

It’s easy to feel dissatisfied and overwhelmed in relation to your dreams if you are always fixated on the end goal itself, and not on the process that might get you there.

There are various issues with being highly fixated on achieving a particular end goal. For one thing, it puts you in the position of feeling unaccomplished and unfulfilled until such a point as you achieve that end goal. For another thing, it constantly draws your attention away from the present moment and what’s happening right here and now.

Ultimately, one of the best ways of reducing the sensation of overwhelm when pursuing your dreams is to — perhaps ironically — stop thinking so much about where you want to end up, and to fall in love with the process that leads you in that direction, whether that process is writing, drawing, or any number of other things.

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