3 Random Money Saving Tips

Throughout this crazy process that is adult life, one acquires countless bits of knowledge about everything from celebrity baby names to high school geometry. The vast majority of this knowledge is relatively useless to our survival as humans and success as grown-ups, and most of it will eventually dissolve into the vast recesses of forgetfulness. But a few of these tidbits will stick with us because they actually do serve a purpose and can be useful when put into a practical sense.


This article is about those useful bits of knowledge as they regard to smart financial management, saving money, budgeting and all other various subtleties of financial success. While they may not all be relevant to everyone’s current monetary position, they have been extremely useful to those who are just beginning in the world of fiscal responsibility. Whether you need some new strategies for hacking your wallet or you need to start from scratch, the following random money saving tips may be just what you are looking for.

1.   Get Savvy With Coupons

If you did not grow up in a coupon-clipping household, you may not understand the extraordinary power of these little paper tools. Coupons provide a wonderful way to save money on groceries, household products and all other everyday items for which you would otherwise pay full price. The Sunday paper and store sale papers are generally full of them, and there is really no reason to not take advantage.

Additionally, discount sites like Groupon, Coupons.com and others provide an even easier way to access and customize your savings. You will likely find a coupon for almost everything that you purchase on a regular basis, and these small individual savings add up to big savings in no time.

2. Assess Your Current Bills

One of the most important aspects of creating an effective budget involves assessing your current recurring expenses. These are the rent, utilities and all other things you must pay every month and that should remain around the same amount each month. However, if you have not made a thorough assessment in a while, you are certain to find things that may not exactly fit into the “needs” category.

For instance, if you generally only watch Netflix, there is no reason to continue paying for Hulu, HBO, Showtime and 500 other cable channels. In addition to cutting out unnecessary luxuries, you will also find that you can find savings with a reassessment of your necessities like health insurance plans, credit card interest rates and others.

3. Practice a No-Spend Day


For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, a “no-spend day” is exactly what it sounds like. Pick one day of the week (not a weekend day) and do not spend any money that day unless an unexpected emergency occurs. Take leftovers for lunch, make sure you fill up your gas tank the day before and make any other necessary purchases before your planned day.

While practicing a weekly no-spend day can save you money, its real power lies in its ability to make you conscious about your spending. For instance, if you know no-spend day is tomorrow, you’ll have to think ahead of all of the things you might buy tomorrow so you can buy them today.


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