20 Ways to Go Broke

20 Ways to Go Broke

20 Ways to Go Broke | brokeGIRLrich

Who says all goals have to be good ones? 
  1. Buy every pair of shoes in Nordstrom.
  2. Marry a guy (or gal) with $500,000 of debt in student loans.
  3. Eat at Olive Garden every night for the rest of your life. Mmm… breadsticks.
  4. Get the cable package with every single channel that’s ever existed.
  5. Who needs health insurance? And while we’re at it, never go in for a check up either.
  6. Starbucks. Three times a day.
  7. Toss those credit card statements right into the trash. Why track where your money goes? Bonus points if you don’t tear them up and someone steals your identity. Double bonus points if you’ve got a nice big balance with a high interest rate.
  8. Speaking of – overdraft fees. Why worry about your balance when your bank’s got you covered for a measly $35 an overdraft. That $36.29 pack of gum is always worth it.
  9. The sun is always shining in your world. Never save for a rainy day. Ever.
  10. Always go with the first company/brand/item you find. Who can be bothered to shop around?
  11. Life insurance is a scam, so never buy any. Especially if you have children. Or anyone else depending on you. Those urchins can get their shoe shine on if necessary.
  12. Live in a big city? Become queen of the taxi. Mass transit is for plebeians.
  13. Get it on with anyone who offers and without any protection.
  14. Hit the movies frequently. Good thing the price of tickets keep creeping down and concessions are so reasonable. Hahahaha…
  15. Buy gifts at the last minute. Procrastination pays off.
  16. Never, ever go to a thrift store. Who would ever be seen in that crap?
  17. Constantly go over the terms of your phone plan data allotment. That game of QuizUp was totally worth $300 a second, right?
  18. Smoke.
  19. Join the gym. Never go.
  20. Coming up a little short? Payday loan it. Because there’s nothing but great things to be said about payday loans.

What would you add to the list?


*Part of Financially Savvy Saturdays on Femme Frugality and Messy Money*

28 thoughts on “20 Ways to Go Broke

  1. Ha! Love this list Mel, especially #2, the sexually transmitted debt disease is the worst. It’s almost easier to get rid of a real STD. Thanks for linking to my life insurance post. That was an oldie, but I think goodie. So great to see you last night, definitely get on the kayaking thing soon! 🙂
    Shannon @ Financially Blonde recently posted…Top Ten Ways I RelaxMy Profile

  2. This was a funny post and made me laugh a lot! I really liked how you took a different turn on saving money by listing ways to lose it.

    Because we get consistently bombarded with saving money articles, often times I find it refreshing running into something that sends the same message in different form.

    Some people may think that only a few people can afford engaging in such activities. The truth is, even the wealthiest people avoid doing that and practice frugal living. For example, Hilary Swank still uses coupons. Couponing = winning.

  3. When I was a poor student – Olive Garden had a promotion – all you can eat breadsticks and soup for $4 – ate at the olive garden a lot in those days. (probably responsible for most of my freshman 15)

    Good list. How about saving money by buying things you don’t need and will never use on sale to save money. I do agree with Brian’s – gas station comment – been there done that in a pinch.
    May recently posted…Financially Savvy Saturdays Fifty-first editionMy Profile

  4. This made my day. A fresh take on showing the incredible, if not obvious difference between frugality and extravagance. Hilarious but true. At some point, we may have done a thing or two. But, thanks for the list. 🙂

  5. Hi, I found you from the Clever Chicks blog hop… Oh, I sure hope Kathy gets to keep her chickens!
    I would add to never, EVER use a budget. It’s a super-quick way to go far beyond broke. Cash flowing? Pfft. That’s for sissies. (And the not-in-debt crowd…)
    Hmm… How about putting those groceries on credit cards? How about buying groceries with all the intentions of staying home and cooking, then going to eat out instead, and all the food spoils and has to be thrown out? Planning to bring leftovers from dinner for lunch the following day, but going out to eat with co-workers instead.
    Borrowing from the 401k to pay off credit cards, but not changing the habits that created credit card balances anyway.
    Cashing out the 401k and taking the double-whammy hit for taxes when you leave a place of employment.
    Your readers have some good ones! I enjoyed the change of flavor of this–reverse psychology can be so refreshing when it comes to money talk!

  6. Ha this is hilarious. Surprisingly, and unfortunately, I have talked to people who go to Starbucks multiple times a day. Talk about a money pit. How about don’t feel like cleaning your 1 bedroom apartment? Get a maid to come in every day.
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