19.) I will be careful about who I date and open with my finances with them when it gets serious – so that we can come up with good money plans for our future together.

19.)  I will be careful about who I date and open with my finances with them when it gets serious – so that we can come up with good money plans for our future together.

19.) I will be careful about who I date and open with my finances with them when it gets serious – so that we can come up with good money plans for our future together. | brokeGIRLrich

For those just joining us here, a decade ago, I wrote a Money Manifesto and I have been going through each declaration that 29 year old me confidently declared to see how valid they’ve wound up being.

Welp, this one will be a short update.

This one has been pretty easy. I mean, it would be sort of ridiculous for me to post my net worth and spending updates out in the digital world once a month for nearly a decade to then get squeamish about it with whoever I’m dating.

Though also, to be fair, in the last decade I have only been in two serious relationships with a fairly substantial gap of singledom or short flings making up the middle of the last decade.

I will say I find it easier to tell them I’m not in debt and that I don’t really struggle too much being very responsible with money than I do to tell that I am in a very secure financial situation. But honestly, that isn’t super hard either. I think conversations more about how very wild the fluctuations are in freelance work – as well as the necessary travel that sometimes comes with it – is more the conversation I am avoiding a bit right now.

Especially the travel part. The current boyfriend has not experienced what most of my life is actually like. He only knows a very stable and stationary PhD student Mel. He has recently gotten a dose of what I’m like when work is slower over the last few months while I’ve been sort of more careful with money than when work was busy.

I have noticed that I’m not anywhere near as cheap about things when I’m taking a second person into consideration than on my own, and that overall this has brought much happiness into my life. I am cautiously waiting to see if it all backfires on me.

However, the older I get, the less I find I’m interested in the idea of combining my finances with another person. I think my ideal approach would be transparency with our finances but responsibility for them individually? I have not yet had to cross a bridge of combining finances with anyone else yet, so this is all still very theoretical.

So this feels like a very short update and I’m sure 29 year old me was envisioning a very different romantic future when imagining a decade ahead than the one I actually trod. But I’m cool with it.

If you’d like to check out how the other declarations on my Money Manifesto are going roughly a decade in, you can find those posts here:

  1. I will pay off all my debt. 
  2. I will tithe 10%
  3. I will save at least 15%
  4. I will build up a $10,000 emergency fund.
  5. I will max out my IRA every year.
  6. I will put effort into learning how the stock market works better.
  7. Then I’ll invest in it.
  8. I’ll put effort into learning how REITS work.
  9. And then I’ll invest in it. 
  10. I will own a home and it will not be a McMansion. 
  11. I will pay for cars up front, in cash.
  12. I will write a book. About a little man named Jorge who lives in a jar in an antique shop. He has a mustache. 
  13. I will keep on learning thrifty and frugal ways to live and then actually use them.
  14. I will make good decisions about how to spend my money, but I also won’t sacrifice all of the now for later.
  15. I will travel. A lot. All 7 continents someday.
  16. I will learn to side hustle. Especially to pay for #15.
  17. I will start a roller derby team.
  18. ) So I will always have good health insurance. And any other reasonable insurance to keep from bankrupting myself because of an accident or act of god or a drunken lunatic driving a car into the living room of my house.

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