17.) I will start a roller derby team.

17.)  I will start a roller derby team.

17.) I will start a roller derby team. | brokeGIRLrich

This series looks at how I’m doing with a list of goals I created in 2014 that I called my Money Manifesto.

So this will be a quick update.

I did not start a roller derby team.


But after many years of this dream being entirely dormant, upon moving to London, I started taking roller skating classes. I could clearly skate a bit but it was never very good and that is a key component of roller derby.

If you happen to live in London, I took courses through Isle of Skating, a group of really wonderful folks. Highly recommend. I’ve done the introduction course and Level 1. I plan to do Level 2 eventually but life right now is not allowing for it. Things are way too busy and work has been a little too weird to risk blocking off a mid-week day for six weeks.

This dream did lead me to meet a group of girls who also really like skating, and if you’ve ever moved to a new place and know how hard it is to make new friends, then you know that is a pretty big deal.

I did also do a masterclass in spinning that was like a terrifying bootcamp – so my skills still have quite a ways to go.

I suppose the biggest news on this goal is that I did indeed go to the orientation course for the London roller derby team but place they practice is nearly an hour and 45 minutes from my flat (one way) and it kicked my butt a little bit but I kind of loved it.

And then work change when our weekend showtimes are and I realized that at this point in time, I would probably have a nervous breakdown trying to commit to this. Especially with all the time just to commute over to practice.

So. Not yet. Though I haven’t ruled out the possibility this might still happen one day.

I am also pleased that 10 years ago me knew that life is about more than just money goals. Every month in my accountability updates, I track the progress of my annual goals and most years I try to include some goals that aren’t just financially based. I mean, there are certainly costs to my roller skating hobby but they are not remotely on par with my usual money goals.

So what are your big goals that have nothing (or little) to do with money?

If you’re interested in seeing how the other goals on my Money Manifesto are going, you can read those posts here:

  1. I will pay off all my debt. 
  2. I will tithe 10%
  3. I will save at least 15%
  4. I will build up a $10,000 emergency fund.
  5. I will max out my IRA every year.
  6. I will put effort into learning how the stock market works better.
  7. Then I’ll invest in it.
  8. I’ll put effort into learning how REITS work.
  9. And then I’ll invest in it. 
  10. I will own a home and it will not be a McMansion. 
  11. I will pay for cars up front, in cash.
  12. I will write a book. About a little man named Jorge who lives in a jar in an antique shop. He has a mustache. 
  13. I will keep on learning thrifty and frugal ways to live and then actually use them.
  14. I will make good decisions about how to spend my money, but I also won’t sacrifice all of the now for later.
  15. I will travel. A lot. All 7 continents someday.
  16. ) I will learn to side hustle. Especially to pay for #15.

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