10 Personal Finance Bloggers Worth Following

10 Personal Finance Bloggers Worth Following

10 Personal Finance Bloggers Worth Following | brokeGIRLrich

A few months ago during FinCon, I wrote a post about my top 10 favorite blog articles – different pieces and authors that inspired me to become a blogger or, in some cases, I’m just a huge fan of (they’re not even all personal finance related). Today I want to highlight 10 bloggers that have continued to influence me, consistently put out some great material and are all around awesome.

Shannon from Financially Blonde

Shannon is pretty much the definition of badass, which often comes across in her writing, but is impossible to miss if you ever have the chance to meet her in person. Aside from writing great articles full of sound financial advice (she has worked on Wall Street and been a financial planner for a few years now), her endless confidence is always an inspiration to me.

Holly from Club Thrifty

Speaking of badasses (badassery? I have no idea, spell check keeps giving me the red squiggle), Holly is not just a member of Club Thrifty, she is it’s queen, princess and czarina. We share a passion for travel, but Holly and her husband Greg have figured out how to do it for nothing or next to nothing, with their mad travel hacking and credit card churning skillz.

Femme from Femme Frugality

One of my earliest acquaintances in the blogosphere, Femme writes a lot of informative personal finance articles on a very broad spectrum of topics from parenthood to Pittsburgh to health care to general frugal living tips. A lot of her posts also have real life examples attached to them, which are my favorite. She also created Financially Savvy Saturdays and ran it for a long time before passing it off to me.

Kate at Cashville Skyline

I don’t know if you’ve picked up on this, but I’m fond of the arts. Kate writes about personal finance survival in Nashville from the perspective of previously working in the music business and then branching out into other creative industries. I’ve also found some of her AirBnB posts to be fascinating.

Michelle at Fit is the New Poor

It’s sort of rare to find a personal finance blog that is unapologetic about spending money, but Michelle’s posts are often about her spending priorities and how she’s making enough to make them work, rather than “let’s learn how to make our own soap to save five cents.” She’s got a great sarcastic tone that I really enjoy and is an incredible hustler.

Tonya at Budget and the Beach

Clearly a West Coaster, with her hippy dippy feel good vibes approach to life, I actually appreciate Tonya’s holistic approach to money. I also like hippy dippy feel good vibes, I just grew up in New Jersey, so I can’t admit it too often. Following her struggles and successes as a freelancer is always captivating to me.

Jessica at Mo’ Money Mo’ Houses

Jessica is a total sweetheart who also writes along the frugal genre, although she has also invested in several properties – something I really enjoy reading about. Real estate interests me and scares the crap out of me at the same time. It’s also kind of cool to read about how some things are different, and usually better, in Canada.

Will at First Quarter Finance

If you want to feel like a total slacker, check out what this guy is doing with his money. Will has known how to handle his money well since he was 10. Yes. 10. And he’s planning to be financially independent by the time he’s 30. The dude is yet another badass in the long list of personal finance blogger badasses.

Eva at Teens Got Cents

While we’re talking about folks who got it together at a young age, I can’t leave out Eva. I’m pretty sure she’s the only high school aged personal finance blogger around, but I love reading her posts as she responsibly navigates the waters of selecting and paying for college, first cars and first jobs.

Dave at The New York Budget

Living in New York is expensive, even when you try to do it cheaply. Dave’s blog focuses on ways to make the most of living in New York while spending the least and one of the features on his blog that I love is “Cheap Eats.” Whether you actually live in the City, just love reading stories about life or are planning a budget friendly trip, it’s worth checking out. His peer to peer lending stories are also among my favorites.

23 thoughts on “10 Personal Finance Bloggers Worth Following

  1. I’d also recommend The Broke & Beautiful Life. I think she’s got some interesting pieces, and she’s a pretty good writer. Plus it’s rare to find a blog from the starving artist perspective.
    Abigail @ipickuppennies recently posted…BlahMy Profile

  2. Thank you for this list! Would you believe all of these blogs are new to me? I am particularly enthused about the teen finance blog. My daughter is 10, and we are preparing for college in terms of finances and expectations. We live in an area where “everyone” goes to high cost schools.

  3. I am at the beginning of my business career and need to really start saving my money. This idea of following the advice of personal finance bloggers seems really neat. I’m assuming that they’ll know current financial trends and how to employ each of them in different situations. This can be important towards saving for the future. I want to have money when i retire in thirty-five years.

    • Definitely! The nice thing about personal finance bloggers is that you get a very personalized approach, so you can find people with finances like yours and see if you like how their finances are turning out and you can also see people you aspire to wind up with and develop plans like theirs.

  4. You have a great list. Thanks for sharing this! I’ve come to the right place. There are a lot of people out there sharing their tales of taking control of their finances and offering tips for others. And it is important to offer solid advice in language even a personal finance novice can understand.

  5. This is a very comprehensive list, full of details on the perspective of the blogger sharing the information, which is useful. Real estate investor Jessica and New York living Dave sound especially interesting.

  6. There are some very interesting bloggers in the list. I like it how so many people are blogging with their tricks now, makes it alot easier to learn from different viewpoints. Thanks for the list!

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