10 Compelling Motives To Consider Freelancing

People choose freelancing careers for different reasons. Things like a desire to travel, family and personal life, interests, and lifestyle are all common factors that compel professionals to choose freelancing careers.

So, if you’re considering a freelance career, we’ve listed the most common reasons professionals choose this particular way of working.

Work-Life Balance

One of the most apparent reasons freelance working is growing in popularity is the simple fact that freelancing allows all sorts of professionals to enjoy the bliss of a healthier work-life balance.

Traditional working schedules were not crafted with the concept of maintaining work-life balance for employees. As a result, things like burnout, high-stress levels, depressions, and anxiety are growing problems.

In recent years, more professionals have realized the importance of work-life balance as mental health awareness grows. For this reason, it’s understandable how freelancing has become such an appealing work dynamic.

Choose Your Projects

Even though talent pools are pretty competitive, and you will need to keep up to date with the latest recruiting trends to stand out as a freelancer, you will still have the ability to choose which projects you want to work on.

The demand for freelancers is constantly growing, as one unpredicted impact of the pandemic; businesses are catching onto the lucrative cost-cutting advantages of employing freelancers instead of full-time in-house employees. Therefore, you will find tons of projects that pique your interest.

Work Where You Want

Another exceptionally alluring perk that freelancing offers professionals is the ability to decide where they want to work. As a remote employee, you can work from absolutely anywhere, granted that you have your work tools.

The level of freedom that freelancing provides means that you can decide to work from your favorite coffee shop on Monday, from the comfort of your sofa in front of the TV on Tuesday, and anywhere else for the rest of the week.

Eliminate Commute Stress

It’s understandably stressful to find yourself sitting in rush hour traffic every morning and every evening while traveling to and from work. While the work commute is a pesky task for most professionals, heightened stress levels are also unhealthy.

With a freelance career, you won’t ever find yourself having to go to work again, as you will eliminate the daily work commute from your schedule.

Environmental Benefits

While remote work benefits businesses by reducing costs and offering a lengthy list of benefits to professionals, it also provides sanctuary to the environment. Just some of the environmental benefits that remote working offers include reduced C02 emissions as a result of fewer cars on the roads, reduced need and demand for office spaces, and a reduced impact on infrastructure, to mention only a few.

Knowing that your way of contributing to the world’s workforce is not negatively impacting the environment is an excellent reason to switch to freelancing. As the global environmental crisis continues to plague society, there’s no better time than now to make decisions with consideration to the wellbeing of the planet.

Enhanced Productivity

Studies show that remote employees are substantially more productive. The reasoning behind this is quite understandable; working in a cramped office while enduring ongoing office drama and endless categories of distractions can make it quite tricky to stay focused.

Even though remote workers face the initial battle of overcoming procrastination, you will find that you are more productive once a schedule is followed.

While enhanced productivity is more beneficial to businesses when working in traditional roles, freelancers benefit from productivity as they are compensated per project. Therefore, the more projects you complete, the higher your earnings will be. Because freelancers benefit directly from being more productive, there is far more motivation to strive for success.

Overcome A Lousy Local Job Market

Countless professionals previously faced the common issue of struggling to secure employment in lousy job markets. Unfortunately, job markets are not thriving in all areas of the world.

With the option of freelancing, you can access remote projects from anywhere in the world, therefore, accessing an international job market.

Cost Saving

Freelancers don’t just save businesses money by eliminating expenses like pricey commercial rentals for offices. They also enjoy cost saving benefits themselves.

Because you won’t be spending money on a work commute, buying ready-made lunches, or forking out a small fortune for suitable corporate attire, you’ll find that you save quite a bit of money working from home.

Save Time

As mentioned above, you’ll save time by avoiding that pesky daily commute in heavy traffic. Moreover, you’ll also save time because you’ll be better able to manage your time wisely by choosing your projects and dictating your work schedule.

This alluring motive allows you to invest your time the best way possible, whether by spending more of it with friends and family, starting hobbies, or working more to maximize your savings.

Extra Income

Another common reason so many professionals are taking on freelance projects is to create an extra income comfortably. You don’t have to give up your current career to pursue freelancing if you aren’t entirely convinced it’s the right dynamic for you. Countless professionals opt for part-time freelancing to make ends meet, retire early, or enjoy extra spending money.

The dynamics of freelancing allow professionals to work comfortably from wherever they are.

That said, before deciding to journey down this unique career path, you should consider all the pros and cons and how each would impact you as an individual. Because some of the downfalls include things like potential cash flow issues, lack of employee benefits packages, tax problems, overcoming feelings of isolation, and sporadic workflow, choosing a career as a freelancer is a notable decision that should be made with absolute care; just as you would when making and other sorts of career changes.


Furthermore, not all professional skills are relevant to freelancing careers. As a result, you must also be sure that you have skills that are currently in demand. These typically include a variety of tech careers, marketing, and creative skills.

One thought on “10 Compelling Motives To Consider Freelancing

  1. Pingback: 4 Work Lunch Ideas You Don't Have to Keep in the Fridge - brokeGIRLrich

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