Binishell Dome Homes

According to Zillow, the average median home value in New Jersey is $294,100. From what I know of this state, that’s definitely factoring some (much cheaper) South Jersey home prices and that’s probably a pretty small house. I think my parents’ house is a really pretty average three bedroom and Zillow lists it as just…

Property Investment: Don’t Let a Bad Deal Seem Good

If you listen to some people, you could be forgiven if you believed that property investment was a one-way ticket to riches. There is no question that you can indeed make good money from a savvy property investment strategy, but it should also be remembered that poor decisions and a lack of information, could end…

Ways to Save Money for Your Dream House

Ways to Save Money for Your Dream House

It sounds counter intuitive to save money if you plan to buy a house. Because despite the lower amortizations of real estate today, home ownership is still expensive. The maintenance alone is enough to make you broke. But, a house is great investment for people looking into long-term plans. With a house, you have a…