Budget Travel: Carhenge

Budget Travel: Carhenge

Budget Travel: Carhenge | brokeGIRLrich

One thing the Midwest really has going for it is weird roadside attractions (among other things, the Midwest is actually really cool. I mean, they have tumbleweed too!).

You know you're a city girl when...

You know you’re a city girl when tumbleweed is so fascinating you stop the car to catch one and take a picture with it… turns out it hurts to touch.

Maybe it’s the long distances between towns. Maybe it’s something to do with all the farming. I really have no idea. But a lot of the strangest and most innovative roadside attractions are scattered across the middle of America.

Today’s budget travel attraction is no exception. Carhenge is located in Alliance, Nebraska, on the western side of the state.

Carhenge started out as a tribute to a local farmer. When he passed away, his family wanted a really creative way to make a lasting memory in honor of their father. Jim Reinders orchestrated this vehicular replica of Stonehenge. Despite some complaints from the citizens of the community, it’s still standing today.


On the day of the dedication of the site, the Reinders family had an epic celebration of their departed father that included songs, poetry and plays. That must’ve been a sight to see.

The space also contains a “Car Art Preserve” which features a sculpture garden made out of cars and car parts. The family even hosted a scholarship for the winner of the best auto-based sculpture. The victor got a nice chunk of change and his work was added to the collection at the Preserve (see, there really are scholarships for everything). Could just be me, but I don’t think it’s too bad.

Carhenge "Car Art Preserve"

There really are scholarships for everything.

It’s a great stop to break up a long car trip and the Car Art Preserve has a pleasant little path that you can walk to stretch those tired legs. You can also pick up a bottle of pop and any number of Carhenge themed trinkets in their Pit Stop Gift Shop.

Furthermore, Carhenge meets my three main criteria to make a roadside attraction tops on my list:

  • It’s innovative and different.
  • It has a place where you can buy a shot glass.
  • It’s FREE.

As an added bonus, if you do check out Carhenge, drive about 5 minutes further down the road to stop and snap a picture with this bizarre gem before continuing your trek:

You may want to hold it a little longer...

You may want to hold it a little longer…

To get to Carhenge, take Highway 87 to Alliance, Nebraska and follow the signs. To check out the “rest stop” as well, continue on Highway 87 away from town for 2 more miles.

16 thoughts on “Budget Travel: Carhenge

    • LOL. Carhenge didn’t get it’s own special trip – only the Twine Ball can claim that. I checked it out last year while I was on tour on the drive between Omaha and Colorado Springs. It really did break up the trip nicely.

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