Pin Money Projects

Pin Money Projects

Pin Money Projects | brokeGIRLrich

When I really little, I would collect the fallen crab apples in my grandparent’s backyard and throw them in a bucket. Then I would get a penny an apple.

My grandma called this pin money.

I think it was child slave labor, but ya know, tomato, to-mah-toe.

The idea of pin money stayed with me though – those little jobs that give your income just enough of a boost to get you something you want. The idea behind pin money was that it was enough income for ladies to buy pins for their hair without having to ask their husbands for the money (yeah, the feminist in me shudders too).

I’ve also seen in many personal finance circles the idea of different hustles to cover your expenses, as in the money you make from an Etsy store funds your travel plans, the money from freelance writing is your entertainment fund, et cetera, et cetera. I’m partial to that too.

But sometimes you just need an extra $10 or $20 here or there to catch a movie without if effecting your budget or pick up a birthday gift for a friend. Some of these hustles are minimal commitment and easy to pick up when you just need a few bucks.

Mystery ShoppingI’ve written about this extensively, but with several sites you can sign up and start making money the same day. This is easier to do in bigger cities, but suburbs also have plenty of shopping opportunities. On average, this will net you $5-20 a shop.

Babysitting – This is easier to pick up if you have a few friends or neighbors with children, but once you get the word out that you’re willing to babysit on occasion, you can build up a small group of clients. On average, this will net you $10-20 an hour.

eBay – Clean out your home and start listing your finds on eBay. Spend a few extra minutes crafting clear and compelling descriptions of your items and they’re likely to sell faster and for a better price. Be sure to include measurements for any clothes. You also never know when you’ll find a hidden treasure.

Sell Some Fluids – Say what? That’s right, if needles don’t make you squeamish, you can make some cash for a pint of your blood. You can also donate plasma and (some of you anyway) sperm. Eggs… is a little beyond being pin money.

Need some more ideas? I’ve got 114 of them right here.

With these four ideas, you can squirrel away a small amount of discretionary spending. What would you use it for?

7 thoughts on “Pin Money Projects

  1. I use pin money for alcohol. As I build it up, I use it for happy hours or evenings out with my hubby. Whenever I perform smaller tasks like these I think of them in martini equivalents, so one hour = one martini, it makes the work seem more significant and more fun (at least to me).
    Shannon @ Financially Blonde recently posted…Music Mondays – CupsMy Profile

  2. How nifty. I’ve never heard of the term pin money before. I am both glad to know the term and sad to hear of its origins, heh.
    Blogging money is pin money, yay! It just all goes into the big pot, though. Extra money to get us toward our savings goals faster, yay savings.

    (it doesn’t seem to like me commenting today :-/)

  3. Eggs are like omg I don’t have to work for a year or two. But so invasive! I’ve done most all of these before. No plasma places in Pittsburgh which is a bummer. Not sure if it’s a lack of entrepreneurial vision in that department or a legislation thing.
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